chapter 10: danzo's judgement.. where true loyalties lie

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After naruto had revived his parents and they went to the hokage to explain everything well... let's just say that Hiruzen just barely avoided meeting the shinigami and had naruto not stopped his parents from killing The old Man Hiruzen would be visiting his angry and VERY dissatisfied Sensei tobirama senju in the afterlife. naruto then said.

" Mom dad please. I know that your very angry with the way the village didn't uphold your last dying wishes for me to be seen by them as a hero for containing The over sized furball. But did you honestly expect them to forget about something like that???. The lives that were lost. The families and friends that died in the middle of the attack. I still haven't forgiven the nine tails for killing you. Not fully anyway. We get along sometimes. But he's too arrogant to let go of the past. baka kitsune..."
Just then danzo koharu and homura walked into the office and when they saw minato and Kushina and realized who was with them danzo knew he was Dead. OH he knew the rumors. Heard the stories and even shivered at The thought of being judged by those eyes of Naruto's. It's for this very reason that he hasn't been trying to organize angry mobs against the boy. The three village elders then said with fear in their voices.

" Lord fourth!!!. Lady Kushina!!!. Wh-what are you doing here!!??. You were supposed to be dead!!!."
And naruto said.

"What's the matter you old goats???. Your not worrying that MY parents would find out that you are taking from MY inheritance money that they left me to keep the root anbu organization running are you???."
Danzo koharu and homura said nothing as they knew that they were screwed. If minato and Kushina found out that the civilian council had been stealing from their son!!!. Kami have Mercy on them. Naruto then said.

"Now then. We're all going to play a game I like to call The 20 questions of life or death. We will ask each of you questions. And you will answer honestly. And don't try lying to me because my reapers eyes see through any and ALL deception in your very soul!!!. If you tell the truth I don't kill you and your soul though corrupted and greedy it is. Will be spared. Tell nothing but lies and I'll be forced to take... alternative measures.. my spirit dweller sword is a sentient weapon known as a zanpacto. Unlike most. Mine inhabits the spirit's of the first God's of Japan. Izanagi and izanami. One drain's the life out of your body while the other simply takes it. Sounds fun right???. Okay. Let get started. Hokage jiji. Mom and dad. Begin the questions." Naruto then activated his reapers eyes and Hiruzen asked.

"Tell me danzo. Is the root anbu organization that I had ordered you to have disbanded years ago after you tried to get Itachi Uchiha to kill his entire clan failed. Still active and being run behind my back!!!.well!!??. Are they!!??."
And danzo said.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that Hiruzen my old friend. I had the organization disbanded just as you said. The root anbu organization no longer exists."
And naruto said.

"He's lying jiji. His voice may not show it but his soul is as dark and greedy as Madara Uchiha was. Shall I take his soul. Or would you like to see what else he's hiding???."
Hiruzen then said.

"No. I'd like to find out what else The three of them are hiding. Naruto. Your memory projection jutsu if you please."
Now koharu and homura could start pissing themselves like the elderly people they were. Because they have heard from Hiruzen what that jutsu does and every dirty secret they had was about to be revealed. But before they could beg Hiruzen to reconsider his decision naruto had already stabbed his sword in the floor in front of them chains then erupted from underneath them and bound their souls and minds to the sword and naruto performing The proper hand seals said.

"KAMI ART: memory projection jutsu!!!. Well would you look at that hokage jiji. It seems your advisors have been traitors this whole time after all. Danzo's still running his root anbu I see. Koharu and homura have been the ones behind the organized angry mobs from the day I was kicked out of the orphanage at age four and have made numerous attempts at trying to break into my parents house and steal the secrets to your flying thunder God and rasengan techniques dad. And the uzumaki clan sealing jutsu as well apparently. This doesn't make your case towards kami any better. If anything Yami will have all three of you in The underworld. Tisk tisk tisk. NOW can I take their souls jiji???."
After seeing everything that his teammates were hiding clear as day in front of him Hiruzen was left with a hard choice. Eliminate his traitorous advisors and prevent any further internal conflict or spare at least koharu and homura by letting them rot in prison after a few days of torture with ibiki and Anko. But as for danzo his mind was made up. Hiruzen then said.

"I am The hokage!!!. I make the laws!!!. I and the shinobi council run this village not you!!!. Danzo shimura!!!. As hokage I Hiruzen Sarutobi do hereby sentence you to death which shall be carried out by the grim reaper of konoha!!!. Naruto. Proceed with taking danzo's soul!!!. And as for you koharu and homura. Your going to be spending alot of time with Anko and ibiki. Then your going to be sitting in a prison cell until either I die minato retakes the Hokage's position or Tsunade becomes the fifth Hokage!!!. Without the possibility of parole or bail being posted. May kami show you no mercy."
Naruto then picked up his spirit dweller sword and said.

" Spirit dweller!!!. Izanami!!!."

Naruto's sword then turned into a reapers scythe and with a single swing of the blade danzo's head was cut off and his spirit consumed by the spirit of the scythe izanami herself. Making the weapon all the more stronger with each soul it absorbed giving naruto more knowledge and skills to use at any time he wants to. Minato and Kushina were horrified at the sight of seeing naruto kill a person without so much as a single shred of emotion or remorse!!!. It actually made them wonder if their own son was even human anymore!!!. Since only a god could kill so casually as though it was just another day at the office!!!. The anbu then escorted koharu and homura to the torture and interrogation department where ibiki and Anko would be having all the fun in the world with them. Hahahahah!!!.😈😈😈😈😈

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