chapter 6: The spirit dwellers true name

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Naruto and kurama were currently training in his mind scape and let's just say that naruto was performing quite well and took to kenjutsu and fuinjutsu like a fish to water. He was a natural prodigy and was only getting better with more and more training currently we find naruto clashing swords with kurama and The shinigami to naruto's surprise when he found out that the seal holding back kurama was powered by the shinigami himself and offered to teach naruto how to control his ability to predict the future and work with him on learning the true name of his zanpacto. They were halfway through their training session when suddenly naruto heard two voices and then his sword began to glow after Wich it then split into two weapons a reapers scythe and a whip with spikes around it naruto then looked behind him and saw a man and a woman. kurama and The shinigami bowed before these two people and naruto felt like he should also. The woman then spoke and said." Greetings. I Am izanami and this is izanagi and we are the spirit's that lives within your sword." Izanagi Then spoke and said." You are naruto uzumaki. Correct???." Naruto just nodded his head and izanagi continued." We are The first God's to rule the land and my whip along with Izanami's scythe will let you collect many souls. And as the shinigami's champion we shall Tell you how." Izanami then said." To use my scythe you need only speak my name.and to call upon izanagi and his whip you need only speak his name.and our abilities vary depending on who's soul you've collected. For example. If you were to use my scythe on a powerful enemy all their skills and abilities become your own." Izanagi Then said." And if you were to capture someone with my whip you could drain their power and life force making it your own while healing you in the process." Naruto was amazed at how much power the weapons he now possess contained and said." I will use your abilities wisely and only for The purest of intentions to protect people who have sinned and deserve death." Izanagi and izanami then smiled and said." We already know that you will. We've always known. you have chosen your champion well shinigami Sama." Shinigami Then said." Thank you Lord izanagi lady izanami. I have faith in him.and he's not yet disappointed me or mistress kami." The two great deites then disappeared and The two weapons became one once again.naruto then woke up and headed to the academy The next day with a smile on his face. For once he's got family. for once he's got people who cares about him and now The entire village would know who he was as a shinobi. He would soon be known to The world as The grim reaper of konoha enemies would fear him and allies would worship him like a god. But unlike The uchiha clan he was to humble to let the powers he possesses go to his head. speaking of which. We now find sasuke uchiha next to a well rested naruto Who thanks to Sakura's help was doing much better academically and as for his taijutsu training and chakra control he could now perform medical ninjutsu.and practiced on jiraia almost every chance he got when tsunade caught him peeking in on the ladies hot springs and beat the hell out of him. Naruto enjoyed the "real life" medical training with his grandmother but poor jiraia didn't since he was ALWAYS the one being tested on. But tsunade just said." Quit staring at woman like a piece of meat and perhaps I will you old pervert!!!."  Jiraia just looked at tsunade and said." You know that would be great. IF you just went out with me for ONE date. But If you don't give up on gambling Then I won't stop peeking on the woman's hotspring!!!." And tsunade said." That's a low blow even for you jiraia!!!. You know I love gambling!!!." Naruto was now getting annoyed with his grandparents and said." HEY!!!. Doesn't my opinion matter here!!??. And besides. I'm willing to make a bet with both of you!!!." Tsunade just smirked and said." You see jiraia even naruto's considering gambling. Okay naruto what's The bet???." Tsunade would soon regret those words and naruto said." I'm willing to bet that if you guys go out on a date together and enjoy it. You BOTH have to give something up. For Grandma it's gambling and Grandpa peeking on the woman's hotspring. BUT... If neither one of you enjoyed it then you both get to keep what you enjoy most. deal???." Tsunade and jiraia were speechless!!!. It's like The Devil just came in and asked for what makes them human!!! They looked at each other knowing that this was the only way to settle their differences. And tsunade said." FINE.and just how long is it going to be if we have to give up our hobby???." And naruto said." Until I graduate The academy!!!." Silence fell upon them until..." WHAT!!!!. you can't be serious!?!?." They said together." And naruto said." As serious as a heart attack!!!." They just sighed in defeat and said." Deal..." Witch now brings us back to why naruto was so happy. Because tonight was the night that jiraia and Tsunade went on their date and he's eager to see what was going to happen. He got home and noticed The smile on both jiraia and Tsunade and said." Let me guess. You enjoyed your date didn't you???." And jiraia said." You bet we did. I'm surprised that in just one night on a date away from our distractions brought us closer together again. Thanks kid." And tsunade said." Now then. A deal is a deal I guess. So we're giving up gambling and peeking on woman. RIGHT jiraia???." And jiraia said." You bet tsunade." And tsunade asked." So naruto is there anything we can do for you???. Since you obviously have something or someone. On your mind. A girl perhaps???. Maybe even Hiashi Hyuga's daughter. Hinata???. Naruto then said with his reapers eye activated." MY love life shouldn't be a concern to you at the moment. Focus on your own love life first and if there's any improvement. Then we can talk about my love life. Until then. Stay out of it." They just sighed and said." FINE. But we're going to find out one way or another. You know that don't you???" And naruto said." Keep trying and you might be the next ones to meet The shinigami. And my parents in the after life." And jiraia said."maybe we can talk about it after you graduate right???. We just want what's best for you. Not us. So what do you think???." And tsunade said." I tell you what. IF jiraia and I are married before you graduate you have to tell us everything about your love life since you have helped ours. We'll help you with yours." And naruto just walked up to his room and said." I'll think about it." And jiraia said." He's going to make us wait until he graduates isn't he???." And tsunade said." I'm afraid so jiraia. I'm afraid so." Tsunade huffed in annoyance knowing how juicy information like that would They decided to forget about it...for now at least. And so after that night everything went as normal naruto went to the academy jiraia managed his spy network with The toads and tsunade was working at The hospital. Then when school lets out they would pick naruto up from the academy and walked home together while they formed a plan to see what naruto's decided about their little tsunade asked." So naruto. About the deal we made you. Have you decided yet." And naruto said." I've given it some thought. And if you can get married by at least my last year of the academy. I might tell you who I'm interested in. But no later than that." And jiraia and Tsunade nodded to each other and said." Deal." Naruto knew that They were planning on this. He's seen that look before.and knew that eventually he'd win The bet. So he decided to ask." So grandpa jiraia. How much of my parents money did you spend on The diamond ring for Grandma tsunade???." Jiraia just froze in place and said." How.did you know about that... naruto???" And naruto said." OH please. You don't think I'm that stupid do you???. I constantly monitor their bank accounts for anything missing. Like say.10.000 Ryo. For a diamond ring. Shaped like The senju family crest.with the uzumaki clan spiral next to it???." And jiraia said." DAMN IT!!!. I knew that I was going to regret that eventually." And tsunade asked." What's he talking about jiraia???. what Ring???." And naruto said." The one he was going to give you tonight after dinner. It's in his shinobi pouch right now." And tsunade said." Show me jiraia. Show me the Ring!!!." And jiraia said." Here. Way to spoil the moment naruto." And naruto said." Hey. I'm always one step ahead of you guys.try to keep up." Jiraia then pulled out a little black box and said." Will you. tsunade senju. Marry me and be my first wife???." Tsunade couldn't believe the size of the diamond!!!. It had to be ten karrets at least!!!.and the band itself looks like solid gold." Tsunade had tears of Joy in her eyes and said." Yes jiraia of course I will marry you!!!. And a deal is a deal naruto. You lost The bet and now..." Naruto then said." Actually.. neither of you won. I did. I said no later than my graduation. I never said how soon. So technically... I win. Check mate. I already knew that you were going to try and plan something like this so I compensated for that by telling you how long you would have to wait. Not how soon." Jiraia and Tsunade couldn't believe it!!!. He played them. like a violin. AGAIN!!!. Jiraia and Tsunade then said." You played us again you brat!!!." And naruto just said casually." Yes.yes I did. And it was worth every penny. Wouldn't you say old man???." And Hiruzen said." Guess I lost the bet. Didn't I???. Curse you uzumaki clan and your good fortune!!!." And naruto said." That's what you get when you make a deal with the devil. Now pay up." And Hiruzen said." promised.10.000 Ryo. That should cover what jiraia took from your parents bank account." Tsunade and jiraia couldn't believe it!!!. The kids far too lucky!!!. They then said." YOU BET ON US GETTING ENGAGED!!!." And naruto said." Is there a reason why you think I shouldn't have???. Besides. It's funny seeing the shocked looks on your faces every time." And then they both said." Get back here you brat so we could beat the crap out of you!!!." And naruto said." You are going to have to find me first." Poof. The naruto in front of them disappeared and jiraia said." Damn it!!. He was a shadow clone the whole time!!!.argh. now we'll never find him!!!." Hiruzen just chuckled and said." Indeed you won't.and good luck catching him when you do. He's already out running my best Anbu and me. His stealth skills and traps making skills are quite acceptional for his age. He could even be watching us right now but we wouldn't be able to find him. He's learned to suppress his chakra to practically zero. And avoid capture for twelve hours straight. Again. Good luck with your search." Hiruzen Then left and went back to the tower.where he found naruto organizing his files and cleaning his office for him and said." You do know that is why I have a secretary naruto. but thank you none the less I appreciate it." And naruto said." No problem. Have They found me yet???." And Hiruzen said." No. Just your shadow clones. That was quite clever I must admit I didn't think they would actually get engaged to each other." And naruto said." They never gave each other a real reason to." And so we now find a tired and exhausted jiraia and Tsunade back at home fast asleep in bed wrapped around each other as naruto watched them sleep he then left to go to his bedroom window and said." Good. Their too tired too have sex. ALL according to plan. Soon They will be struggling with wedding arrangements and that's when the betting turns even sweeter for me and more sour for them." He then went to bed and fell asleep to get up for school The next day.

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