chapter 12: team 7 vs orochimaru. the God of fates true form

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When shinigami's reports about orochimaru claiming to be immortal throughout the years reached the desk of KAMI...the oh so humble goddess of life and creation was now a very vengeful woman. If there's one thing KAMI couldn't stand. It's people claiming to be immortal and acting like a God. Well let's just say that it takes an immortal to kill an immortal. So knowing that naruto would accept the position she and shinigami decided to make naruto a full god. Team 7 was currently facing orochimaru as Sasuke Uchiha was crippled by fear
And Sakura was helpless to do anything. Suddenly. A bright white Aura of power appeared around naruto and what happened next... not even orochimaru could prevent as the white Aura latches on to naruto like an armor he then grew a pair of horns and his zanpacto became a giant saber as naruto approached orochimaru and with his reapers eyes activated.

"Orochimaru of the sannin.
Your soul has been judged.
The verdict is guilty. You punishment for being a false God...IS DEATH!!!. Shinigami art: soul binding chains of fate!!!."
Orochimaru was then held down by white spectral chains and to even Sasuke and Sakura's surprise the way naruto looked could only be described as God like.

"Orochimaru was then held down by white spectral chains and to even Sasuke and Sakura's surprise the way naruto looked could only be described as God like

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Orochimaru then said.

"NO!!!. NO this cannot be how it ends!!!. I am immortal!!!. I am the snake sannin orochimaru!!!. I cannot be killed!!!."
Orochimaru was struggling to break free from the chains that bound him to Naruto's sword. Naruto then said.

"The more you struggle orochimaru...the more tighter those chains are going to become. Izanami: reapers scythe!!!."
Naruto then said as he lifted his scythe over his shoulder.

"Any last words before she who invites takes your eternal soul to the underworld???."
Orochimaru said nothing.instead he just spat in the God of fates face and naruto said.

"I'm seriously going to enjoy taking your Head and repossessing your kusanagi sword. OH that's right. I forget to mention that KAMI Sama wanted your sword as proof of your death. Good bye orochimaru!!!. I hope you enjoy eternal damnation!!!."

(Swing!!!) (Thump thump)
Naruto cut off orochimaru's Head as his scythe absorbed the soul and naruto turns back into his human form and said.

" Well now that we have both scrolls needed to enter The tower I suggest we get moving and remove that curse Mark on Sasuke's neck.
Let's move!!!."

Meanwhile.watching from The heavens.

KAMI and shinigami were watching how naruto would handle his new position as the God of fate and to their expectations he has taken out a thorn in shinigami's side for a long time now. Orochimaru was Dead and KAMI couldn't rest easily knowing that The kusanagi sword would be handled by naruto until he was alone to summon her and shinigami to hand deliver it to them personally. Shinigami then said.

"I must admit mistress KAMI.
I didn't expect him to be able to handle his new power as a God so easily. We can certainly expect great things from him in The future that is certain."
And KAMI said.

"Your right shinigami. When I made naruto the offer to become a God I didn't think he'd be able to handle it. But apparently he's exceeded even my own expectations. Those hyuga are in for a rude Awakening when they start praying for fate to spare them and see who shows up. Infact. I've never seen the nine tails getting along with any of his last two hosts until naruto came along. It's only a matter of time until the battle of the beasts takes place.what do you say we watch the finals of the exams. And I mean in person in disguise as a married couple."
And shinigami said.

"That sounds like a magnificent idea milady.
We must also invite the others. Susanoo and amaterasu as well. Surely they would like to meet their newest addition to the pantheon."
KAMI nodded her Head in agreement with shinigami and continue to watch as the events leading up to the battle of the beasts takes place in the finals. orochimaru May have orchestrated the invasion plans but Kabuto yakushi would be the one to carry out the order.

Next time: chunin exam final round preliminary.
Battle of the beasts!!!.

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