chapter 15:an unexpected visit from fate and destiny to the hyuga clan elders

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After the invasion naruto went home to gather his thoughts. It had then occurred to him that he hadn't yet visited Hinata in the hospital. Though her internal injuries were healed
She still needed medical attention to be certain.
Not like any other medical ninja could do a better job then his grandmother tsunade so we now find naruto sitting next to Hinata fast asleep never once leaving his angels side
The Angel of destiny and him the God of fate. he was beginning to think that kami and shinigami were planning on this to happen from the start. But either way...he didn't care. As long as hinata's with him he would face all the God's and clans of konoha plus an entire army of cloud mist sand and stone shinobi and their kage for hinata's safety. And he would win by killing them all to prove his love for her. But soon. VERY soon the hyuga clan elders would pay for their arrogant ways. To rig the exams just to prove that neji was a prodigy!!??. What
On Earth were they thinking!!??. More publicity for them and less reputation towards the Uchiha clan???.
As if. If naruto has realized one thing it's that the Byakugan is inferior to the sharingan and rinnegan eyes. Compared to naruto and his reapers eyes... the rinnegan and sharingan are the second and third strongest bloodline in konoha. Naruto May be a God.. but unlike most other God's he is kind and humble and only uses his power for the right reasons. Never personal gain without shinigami or KAMI Sama's
Approval first. Such is and always has been the universal law of the gods for centuries. And the hyuga clan elder had just envoked The wrath of their own God.
Fate. By one of their Branch members nearly killing THE angel of destiny HIS angel.
Hell would soon be raised within the hyuga clan and
It wouldn't be pretty either.
Hinata had woken up and noticed that naruto was fast asleep on the chair next to her as though he hadn't left her side at all. She then noticed a strange looking staff next to her bed and when she grabbed it it glowed with a brilliant white light which surrounded and covered her completely.
When The light faded she realized that she had grown a pair of wings her hair was now blonde and came down to her waist and she was wearing a Halo. At first she thought she had died. But then she remembered what naruto said at the preliminary rounds of being the angel of destiny. To think that KAMI would bestow such a title upon her of all people!!??. She then sat up and tried flapping her wings which woke up naruto.
Naruto then looked at Hinata
With The largest smile ever and said.

"Well well. It seems like someone is feeling better and will make a full recovery.
You had me worried for a while my dearest angel of destiny. What do you say we
Pay your clan elders a little.
"Visit" they have been praying to me for days now to help you make a swift recovery. I refused to answer until you would wake up and
Transcend to your angel form. Like my God form you have many unique abilities.
I can predict the future and see a person's fate before it happens resurrect the Dead
And even bring the dead back to life. You however.
Have the ability to control a person's destiny or alter it if you so chose to. Your staff has The ability to give life
Just as easily as my sword let's me take life away. We were fated to be together hinata-chan and you probably have already seen our destiny together in the future. Am I right???."
Hinata nodded yes and was shocked that she had the powers over giving life back to those who have not deserved to die. And could predict a person's destiny just by coming in contact with them!!!. Even alter destiny itself!!!. Hinata then stretched her wings and grabbed hold of naruto as they teleport themselves to the hyuga clan compound.

Meanwhile at the hyuga clan compound.

Hiashi was furious!!!. He warned neji what would happen if he was to try and
Insult fate!!!. And now half his clan if not just the elders alone were Dead!!!. Hiashi then said.

NEJI!!!. I can understand that you have every right to be mad at me for not telling you about the truth behind your father's death. But that's no reason to try and kill my daughter!!!. Your own cousin!!!. I refuse to use the caged bird seal on your forehead as punishment.
But whatever naruto and Hinata who May I remind you are a God and an angel of fate and destiny decide is on your head not mine!!!.
Pray that they be merciful and spare you and the branch house family.
Your dismissed."
After neji had left. naruto and Hinata had shown up in hiashi's office behind him and when he turned around.
What he saw struck unimaginable fear into him.
There in front of him was naruto in his God form.

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