chapter 16:a mother and daughter reunited and a brothers bond restored.

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Naruto Hinata and Hiashi were standing in the konoha cemetery at the grave stones of Hitomi and hizashi hyuga
Where they were about to be revived from the Dead by naruto and Hinata as hiashi's hopes were very high with anticipation naruto and Hinata sat in The lotus position and place their weapons over top of each other and naruto and Hinata said.

"By the powers of fate and destiny and the good graces of KAMI and shinigami we hereby declare you Hitomi and hizashi hyuga be.... REVIVED!!!."
The ground shook and the coffins of Hitomi and hizashi hyuga rose up from the ground and opened up and when they stepped out and into the light... what they say made them both bow in fear and reverence. There standing before them was the God of fate and angel of destiny Hitomi already knew that the angel of destiny was her daughter Hinata. But because of the mask she didn't know who the God of fate really was. So she asked.

"Fate Sama. Could you please let me see your face. If you are who I think you are then kami and shinigami Sama couldn't have chosen a more kind hearted person. Hinata my dearest daughter. I know that is your angel of destiny form. Please show me the real you. Both of you."
Naruto and Hinata turned back into their human form and when Hitomi saw who fate was. She nearly died all over again when she looked into those innocent blue eyes and blonde hair. She then said.

"You.... your minato and Kushina's son!!!. But then that means you have revived them as well!!!. How is that possible!!??."
And naruto said.

Long story short. I have the ability to bring back the dead
OR revive someone who has been dead for less than 30 minutes. You could say that I am the grim reaper incarnate. Because I can see the future. Judge a person's soul and even take their souls with my zanpacto and anyone else who might take it from me losses their soul instead. You were an innocent soul who had died far too early in life. Hitomi. And you. Hizashi. Though what you did for your brother here was a noble thing to wasn't The smartest thing. After your deaths hiashi's heart grew cold and emotionless. Neji's heart became filled with hatred and resentment towards his own family and nearly killed hinata-chan in The chunin exams preliminary rounds. I took her place and defeated neji without killing him. The clan elders have been judged by Hinata-chan and sent away to the hidden cloud village never to return or take the hyuga clan name ever again.
Your clans council had grown to corrupted and tried to force themselves into power.
But instead fate and destiny put an end to that. We put an end to that. right my dearest angel of destiny???."
And Hinata said.

Yes my beloved God of fate.
It's as you said. We were fated to be together and is our destiny to stand by each other's side for all eternity.
Now let's see how my new power works."
Hinata then picked up her staff and slammed it into the ground. Hitomi and hizashi were curious about what Hinata was doing until they saw her staff light up as bright as the sun and she said.

" Destiny art: revival of the innocent!!!. Become pure of heart once more and bring back the years of which have been taken from you!!!."
Hitomi and hizashi felt their bodies heat up and the life returned to their bodies. When Hinata handed each of them a mirror they realized they truly had gained back the years they lost after dying!!!. They were young again!!!. Hitomi even felt like she was able to run a marathon around the village!!!." Hitomi then asked.

"How is this even possible Hinata!!??. What did you do to us!!??."
And Hinata said.

"You can never age or take away from that which was
Innocent and pure of heart
To begin with. once pure of heart in life always pure of heart in the afterlife. The choices you both made in life affected kami-sama's decision weather or not to bring you back to the land of the living. In essence. You both have a second chance at life to make things right with your friends and loved don't screw it up this time.or we can't bring you back a second time.
The Uchiha clan aren't Dead if you are wondering. Naruto-kun made sure of that. Because naruto-kun could see any and all future events...he is able to inform the hokage of them before they happen thus changing fate for those people or that person. Does that answer all of your questions???."
Hitomi and hizashi just dumbly nodded their heads yes and then looked at naruto and then back to Hinata and then naruto again. After suddenly processing everything that just happened Hitomi remembered something.
And thought to herself.

"Wait a minute... naruto called Hinata his dearest angel of destiny.... Hinata called naruto her beloved God of fate.... but then that means that their...and I'm going to be a....and their going to be getting....eeek!!!. I'm going to be a mother inlaw and their going to be getting married in the future!!!."
Hitomi then went up to naruto and Hinata and congratulated them on their future together and said as she hugged naruto.

"I'm glad to have you a part of the family....son in-law. I'm
Glad that you found a kind hearted girl like my daughter to be your future wife. Tell me.. when is the wedding???."
And naruto just activated his reapers eyes and looking into the future said.

"In 6 years from now when we are both at the age of concent to have children.
If you want to that is hinata-chan. I wouldn't force a decision upon you that you are not ready to make yet."
And Hinata said.

When you are ready I'm ready naruto-kun. I'd love to have a family with you but I won't force that decision upon you yet either. Let's get married first in 3 years from now instead.and then we will take another three years to think about maybe having children.i don't want to rush things to quickly."
And so with all the future plans for naruto and Hinata to firstly get married and then decide about when to start a new family of their own The group left the cemetery and back to the hyuga clan compound.
Hitomi then said to Hiashi
With a look that said. "I know everything husband and am not pleased with you at all."
Hiashi didn't need any words to express what he knew as
"I'm definitely screwed aren't I???." Hiashi ducked his Head in shame and hizashi just chuckled knowing that by now.... his brother and his wife had been around each other long enough to know what they both thinking.
And based on the looks given to each other and then him.
The brothers knew they would receive hell from the hyuga Matriarch and wouldn't be pleasent either.

naruto:wielder of the shinigami's eye.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum