chapter 8: time Skip. battle on the bridge.

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Kakashi and zabuza were about to kill each other and finish The battle once and for all when suddenly naruto watched helpless as haku's life was taken from her as naruto saw his Sensei put a chidori through her chest... not intentionally of course but naruto didn't know that so he went over to haku's dying body and said." Haku Yuki. by the powers gifted to me by The goddess of life and God of death...I call upon your spirit and I command you to be... REVIVED!!!." Naruto then placed his hands over haku's chest her body glowed white blinding zabuza and kakashi The next thing they knew haku was back in from The Dead!!!. As haku breathed in a gasp of air in to her lungs she asked."master Zabuza???. What happened???. I thought kakashi San killed me???." And zabuza said." I'm not sure what that blonde hair kid did but you were brought back to life because of him." Zabuza then said." Hey kid. what did you do for haku that brought her back to life???." And naruto said." I can't tell you how I did it but you should get everyone away from here... NOW!!!." Kakashi took one look into naruto's eyes and saw for The Very first time in his life.. naruto's bloodline The reapers eyes. With widened eyes and a fear of dying kakashi said." Zabuza...we are going to be leaving now." Gato then said." Well that's a shame.. The big bad demon of the mist running from a fight. Seems like you aren't as strong as you said... HAHAHA!!!." And zabuza said." I'm scared of someone gato. But it's not your bandits..and your not getting your hands on haku of The other gennin!!!. Let's go!!!. Kakashi isn't that blonde gaki coming with us!!!." And kakashi said" just stand back and watch The show zabuza. Your about to see The grim reaper of konoha in action. Naruto's sword isn't any ordinary weapon... it's a zanpakuto. A spirit blade." And zabuza said." Did you just say he's got a....a spirit blade!!!. Witch one!!!." And kakashi said." Your about to find out."

Back with Gato and his bandits.
Naruto stood there unmoving and not saying anything. Gato then said." What's the matter kid??. Cat got your toung  or maybe you are scared because you are outnumbered a thousand to one???. " And naruto just said." As he drew his spirit dweller blade and said." Shinigami art: chains of judgement!!!." Hundreds of spectral chains Then appeared and wrapped around gato and his men.. The chains were a part of his bloodline as naruto said only one set of words and that was." Your souls have been judged.. The verdict is guilty..and now... YOU DIE!!!. Spirit dweller!!!. Izanami!!!." The bandits and gato struggle to get free from The chains but couldn't and zabuza watched in Amazment as naruto's katana turned into a scythe sasuke also Saw this and said." Kakashi Sensei. I want that weapon!!!. Such a powerful sword doesn't deserve to be used by that loser!!!." And kakashi said." I'm sorry sasuke... but that sword... isn't normal... anyone else who has tried to take that from naruto... even the hokage...has almost died. No physical wounds no injuries or blood loose your soul... Sasuke. The cost of another person besides naruto not chosen by it... looses their own soul to the shinigami."

Back with naruto and his izanami scythe.
Naruto was currently cutting down one bandit after another as he said anger in his eyes and rage clear in his voice." MURDERERS!!. RAPISTS!!!. THIEVES!!!. CORRUPTION AT IT'S WORST!!!. YOUR ALL GUILTY IN THE EYES OF KAMI!!!. I AM NARUTO UZUMAKI NAMIKAZE!!!. CHAMPION OF KAMI AND THE SHINIGAMI!!!. GRIM REAPER OF KONOHA!!!." As naruto was venting out All of his rage and anger The shinigami and Kami were watching from The heavens fro Their thrones with a bag of chips and Popcorn in hand as naruto slaughtered one guilty soul after another and shinigami said." It won't be long before he's unlocked the resurrections eye. The final stages of our power... he's come quite far actually. We have chosen well. haven't we???." And Kami said." Yes shinigami..we most certainly have chosen well indeed."

Back on Earth naruto had just finished cutting off the heads of a thousand bandits and was now in front of gato as gato said." No please... don't kill me!!!. I'll give you anything you want fame fortune jewels your own island!!!. Name it and I'll give it to you!!!." And naruto said." Your soul and your head are payment enough for me to get what I want." (Swing!!!.) (Thump thump.) Gato's head was cut off shoulders and his head rolled down at naruto's feet. Naruto then said." PEOPLE OF WAVE COUNTRY!!!. YOUR FREEDOM HAS BEEN BROUGHT BACK TO YOU!!!. THE GODS SMILE UPON YOU THIS DAY!!!. CELEBRATE NOW AND NEVER LIVE IN FEAR AGAIN!!!. RISE UP WHEN THE TIME TO TAKE A STAND ARISES!!!. GATO IS DEAD!!!." Tazuna Then said." I can't believe it...we... we're finally free from gato!!!. We're Free EVERYBODY!!!." The entire crowd burst out in cheers of congratulations and excitement. Zabuza Then asked." So what now kakashi???. Your mission is to protect the bridge builder and haku and I aren't under contract with gato anymore." Kakashi said." You could always rejoin Kiri... OR... you could join konoha's ranks... whatever you choose just remember who you owe haku's life to." Naruto's dark blue chakra was still flaring up and The moment he looked into The water he noticed he'd finally achieved The final level of the reapers eyes... The ressurections eyes. And said to himself." Don't worry Mom and Dad... we'll be together again soon. Real soon." He then deactivated his shinigami's eye and changed his scythe back into it's base sword form.and sheathing it he said." Your going to be The shinigami's next meal if you so much as touch the handle on my sword uchiha."  And with that everyone went to bed and decided to leave for konoha The next day with two Kiri nin in tow.

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