chapter 19: saving the jinchuriki

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Naruto and Hinata were currently traveling across the elemental nations for their honeymoon and they were currently in the waterfall village when they saw a girl with mint green hair and tan skin this was fuu of the seven tailed stag beetle. She was currently being chased by a mob of villagers and naruto couldn't help but think of the way he used to be treated like that. Before Hinata could stop naruto he had already gone into God of fate mode and approached the crowd.
Thinking that this person was also here to kill her she feared for her life. But what happened next even she couldn't believe. This person whoever he was pulled out a strange looking sword and watched as the God like Man in front of her with eyes as cold as death itself said.

" Fuu of the seven tailed beetle. It's not your fate to die. Go find destiny. She's my wife and we are on our honeymoon throughout the nations. Or we were at least.
Run and don't look back."
Thankful for the save and chance to escape she took it and didn't look back.
Naruto then looked at the crowd of people and said.

"I am the God of fate!!!. I know all see all and predict all!!!. And for attacking an innocent girl for keeping you people safe have envoked my wrath!!!. Fate art: chains of fate and destiny!!!."
A giant yin yang circle appeared around the crowd and a set of chains on the ground wrapped around them they tried to get free but it was no use. They were trapped and if this truly was the God of fate!!!. They knew that the guilty action They just committed would cause their deaths.
Naruto then said.

"Where is your village leader!!??. He should be protecting that poor girl for what she contains!!!. No matter. I'll find out what is going on myself. Circle of fate and destiny. What has the universe decided???. Guilty or innocent???."
Just then both the yin and yang symbol lit up and naruto said.
"Well that's a first. Normally the circle judge's people on the actions that are a reflection of their own souls.
This is the first time I've seen it unable to decide. Very well then. Circle of fate and destiny. Shall I let destiny and fuu of the seven tailed beetle decide their fates???."
The circle of fate and destiny then disappeared indicating that fuu should decide The crowd's punishment and naruto said.

"Very well...fuu. what do you think is the best punishment for them???. Rest assured. Should you choose guilty they will loose their souls.
Choose innocent and they live to see another day.
What will you decide???."
Fuu then said.

"I'm grateful for you saving me from them. But they hate the seven tails not me. Their just to blind to see the difference. Let Lord shibuki decide. For now...I reserve judgement."

Naruto then sheathed his sword and said.

"Very well... then if judgement is being reserved.
As the God of fate I cannot take their souls or spare them. they shall remain bound by the chains that I have placed on them until a proper decision is reached."
Naruto then grabbed the chains and dragging the crowd of people asked.

"Fuu.. where is your village leaders office???."
And fuu said.

"Lord shibuki has his office at the center of the village.
I could take you there if you like???."
And naruto said.

"That would be great thanks.
I have a proposal for him. And if he's in agreement with me you won't have to be here anymore. We want to take you to a safer place. A place where nobody can harm you.
A place where you can be able to make many friends."
Fuu's eyes lit up at the thought of being able to make lots of Friends so with stars in her eyes she asked.

"Where are you guys going to be taking me that sounds so incredible!!??."
And Hinata said.

"Why.. konoha of course. There you will be alot safer
And everyone is very friendly. You see... naruto-kun isn't just the God of fate.
He's also a jinchuriki like you. He contains the nine tailed fox. So you can understand why he didn't want to see you getting attacked by those people since he used to be treated like that as well."
They reach shibuki's office and when he saw who was on the other side he knew he was Dead. He knew that the gods would come for him eventually. So knowing there was nothing to do but accept fates embrace he said.

"Come in fuu. And please tell your God friends to not worry. I'll take care of those villagers and.... ACk!!!."
Naruto then grabbed shibuki by his throat and said.

"Listen good and listen well...mortal shibuki. As a fellow shinobi and jinchuriki.
I know that you haven't done much too keep fuu safe. The third hokage did the same to me. He died of cancer. So.. here is what will happen.
I'm naruto uzumaki namikaze. Son of The reinstated fourth Hokage minato namikaze and red death of konoha Kushina uzumaki. I will be sending a request to have the konoha anbu black ops come and get
Fuu and bring her to the hidden leaf village where she will be welcomed with open arms. You will agree to this or I will burn your village as weak as it is with it's poor defenses and the akatsuki after her... to The ground!!!.
Shibuki could tell he was serious and wouldn't joke about something like this so for the good of the village he agreed to naruto and his demands and said.

"I'm sorry naruto-sama.*cough.cough.* I didn't mean to let things get out of hand. My village council holds more power than I have. What more do you expect me to do!!??."
Naruto just groaned in annoyance and said.

Again with village leaders and their power hungry council. Is there a single village leader that isn't afraid of their council!!??. Raaaaah!!!."
Naruto then punched a large hole in the office Wall and shibuki asked.

"Fuu... what's his problem with village council's???."
And fuu said.

"OH... not much really.
He just hates people who have too much political influence over their leaders.
He's the jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox. So I'd get the council in line before those konoha anbu black ops show up. Bye bye!!!. OH right. I almost got...the villagers who attacked me. Their judgement is guilty."
Hearing this naruto snapped his fingers and the chains binding the villagers glowed with a black aura and drained their souls from their bodies and fell to the floor dead. The chains then vanished and naruto said.

" Let's go fuu. The anbu should be here by now.
Don't worry. Their the same ANBU who protected me. You can trust them."
The anbu escorts were then waiting at the village gates for fuu and naruto said.

"Stay on your guard. The akatsuki are still out there somewhere waiting. Protect her with your lives or I'll be sure to take them from you if you don't."
Fuu then said.

"You heard The Man. I am considered a double S class escort mission. But I'm not helpless. I just choose not to use my tailed beasts power."
And the cat masked anbu said.

"Don't worry naruto-sama.
She's in good hands. We will not fail you."
Naruto and Hinata then continued on their one year honeymoon across the elemental nations the next village they would come across however would be that of the akatsuki. The hidden rain village. And naruto personally couldn't wait. He never told his wife this but he was given a mission by jiraiya and minato to find the other eight jinchuriki and have them sent to konoha while hunting down the akatsuki and kill them if necessary if Hinata knew this...she would have protested against it. She couldn't afford to lose naruto. not now not ever. They made an eternal vow when they got married. To be together forever. Through thick and thin. But if there's two people naruto wanted to test his powers against... it's the jashinist hidan and Lord pain nagato uzumaki claiming to be immortal in his book was an insult to those of God's and goddess like him and Hinata. It's time the akatsuki learn what a REAL God was.
And he would kill them all just to have his revenge for what happened to his parents the night he was born. He wanted Madara Uchiha and Obito uchiha's heads. One way or another he would get them.

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