chapter 9:the revival of naruto's parents.a family once again.

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Everyone made it back to konoha and while sakura followed Sasuke like the weak fan girl she was and kakashi zabuza and haku reported to the hokage naruto had other plans in mind as he walked to the konoha cemetery and finding his parents Graves activated his ressurections eyes and sitting in a meditating position clapped his hands together in The Earth seal he The form The ram hand seal and tiger hand seal and said.
" Kami Sama I call upon the. Grant me permission to revive the souls of my parents minato namikaze and Kushina uzumaki!!!. By The good graces of Kami and shinigami Sama I hereby declare you fully... REVIVED!!!!." The earth around naruto shook and up out of the ground rose two coffins. One labeled fourth hokage and The other uzumaki. They coffins then opened up and out of Them stepped naruto's parents as naruto looked at his parents and said.
" Mom dad... welcome back!!!. I'm so happy to see you and finally meet you!!!. We're together again!!!. We're finally a family again!!!." Minato just looked confused as he said.
"Naruto.. what's going on here???. I thought your mother and I were supposed to be dead and yet... here we are as alive and young as the day we....."
It Then Hit minato over the head that he's right.. They did die the night naruto was born 12 years ago!!!. So how were they brought back FROM The dead!!!. Minato then looked at his son naruto and asked." Naruto... how did you bring me and your mother back to life???. We were sealed by The reaper." And naruto said
Before you assume anything. no. I'm not a lunatic person like orochimaru and no I didn't use the Edo tensei ritual... The night that you BAKA's sealed the nine tailed furball inside of me the shinigami gave me some of his and Kami Sama's power in the form of a dojutsu.. it's called The reapers eyes and I had just recently unlocked the final form..the ressurection eyes... Wich allowed me to bring you back without The cost of sacrifices. I could revive any number of people who have died provided that it's been only 30 minutes to as many as 12 or fewer years. Eventually with some practice I could revive people who have been dead for as many as 30 to 60 years or more. I can also see the future judge a person's soul and heal all injuries that resulted in death allowing me to to bring them back to life just after they died."
And so with naruto's explainations of how his bloodline given to him by the shinigami and Kami themselves minato and Kushina could only say one thing and that was.
And naruto said.
Yes. Mom and dad I can. Don't act like you think it's such a big deal!!!. I've kept it secret from danzo Shimura This long and Even If he found out old Man hokage would have him executed for going against his tsunade and Jiraia's wishes to have me put under the clan restoration act. I made it specifically clear to The entire council myself that I won't have any of the clan Heads daughters forced upon me for my lineage my bloodline or my clan name and All The money I inherited from you guys. So long as grandma tsunade and Grandpa jiraia live and breathe and now that you have been brought back. I refuse to be forced to take any future wife at this time. Besides... hinata Hyuga had already chosen me...she thinks I don't know that she's watching us right now but I can sense her chakra and nervous emotions like all uzumaki can. You can come out from behind the cemetery entrance Hinata-chan. I know you were there The entire time watching me like you always have. You can't hide your feelings from me." Hinata couldn't believe that this whole time. All these years she's been watching naruto he's actually noticed that he was being watched and never said anything until now. So knowing that her cover was blown she came from her hiding spot and said.
I. I'm sorry Naruto-kun...I never meant to spy on you. I've always admired your determination to become stronger. Please... Lord fourth... lady Kushina... don't think so poorly of me... my self-esteem and self confidence issues are Because of my father always thinking of me as a failure!!!." And Kushina said.
" Hinata... anyone who is willing to stick by our son's side this whole time deserves our respect..we will have a little...'TALK'.. with your father later about family favoritism. And The conciquences that follow." And hinata said.
Thank you so much.. Naruto-kun... would you... like go on a date with me tonight???." And naruto he walked up to Hinata and hugged her.
Of course I will Hinata-chan...and for the record... I have always known that you have a crush on me and that your father is the reason for the low confidence you have. I can fix that for you if you want me to???." And hinata asked.
What are going to do to him.. Naruto-kun???. Please don't kill him!!!."  And naruto said.
I won't kill him Hinata-chan... I'm just going to... demonstrate... What happens to parents that don't treat their children with equal respect as they would their youngest. Fear...can be a very powerful motivator when used properly." And Minato and Kushina said.
Why don't we like the way you just said that naruto???. I'm worried your going to put the fear of The shinigami into Hiashi and his clan council." And naruto said.
Because that's exactly what I intend to do... no one talks down to my friend and admirer and gets away with it!!!."
Naruto then activated his shinigami's eye and flaring his dark blue chakra around him ran off to the Hyuga clan compound to...motivate Hiashi Hyuga to treat his daughter Hinata more kindly. Naruto had made it to the Hyuga clan compound and walked right up to the guards and without drawing his sword killed the guards as he said." Izanami... KILL!!!." The guards then dropped dead to The ground and naruto walked up to the main compound and yelled.
HIASHI HYUGA!!!. GET OUT HERE!!!. I'VE GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!!!." Hiashi then came barging out of his office and out to the court yard and said.
" WHO DARES TO BREAK INTO MY COMPOUND. AND. DEMAND.. THAT.... DEAR KAMI SAMA HAVE MERCY!!!." And naruto said." You know who I am.. you know The bloodline I possess.. and you obviously know what I want to talk to you about if you are begging Kami Sama for mercy... your soul has been judged... The verdict is.... innocent....a second judgment of your soul has been made...the verdict is.... guilty... your guilty of not treating your daughter Hinata with the same treatment you give her sister hanabi... who just so happens to be behind me right now."
Hiashi then yelled saying.
Hanabi run!!!. Get away from him!!!. He's The grim reaper of konoha!!!." But sadly it was to late as naruto Drew his spirit blade and said.
" Spirit dweller. Izanagi!!!." The sword then turned into a whip Wich then wrapped around hanabi and began draining her life force as naruto gained All the knowledge she had and said.
" Well that's interesting. It seems you've spoiled hanabi more than I thought. Your teaching hanabi all of The advanced gentle first style techniques while you leave Hinata-chan with nothing but the basics. Such a disgraceful clan head you are Hiashi Hyuga!!!. You will either teach Hinata-chan the same techniqes as hanabi or I will end The Hyuga clan line with only Hinata and hanabi remaining. AM I CLEAR!!!!."
Hiashi Hyuga just nodded his head Yes in fear of knowing that if he didn't...he would be meeting his angry wife in the after life a fate faaaar worse then death itself!!!. Hiashi then said.
" Please spare me and my family OH mighty grim reaper of konoha!!!. KILL my clan advisors but please don't hurt me and my family!!!. I'll do whatever you want!!!. Just Name it!!. I'll even train hinata and hanabi as equals I swear!!!." And naruto said.
Very good..and rest assured that I will be watching you closely Hiashi Hyuga!!!. Don't make me return here a second time...or your entire clan will be on a one way trip to the shinigami's stomach." Naruto then went back home just as his parents showed up to talk to Hiashi and Kushina said.
Well minato.. it looks like naruto has already said enough to Hiashi to make him feel The fear of the death god incarnate. Hinata we'll have naruto pick you up at 6:00 pm tonight for your date alright???." And hinata said.
That's fine. It gives me plenty of time to prepare and get ready. Does Naruto-kun have anything that he likes aside from ramen noodles and training All the time???." And Kushina said.
" Sadly Hinata. From what tsunade and jiraia have told us. The villagers used to destroy anything nice that naruto ever had. And even though most of the village accepts him as a hero for containing the kyuubi... others...such as your father... don't approve of their children being around him. But I think after tonight... that will all change." And hinata said.
" I hope so... Minato Sama. Lady Kushina. I love him more then you know. He makes me happy. But he's never been least not until Lord jiraia and lady tsunade came back to take care of him that is. Since then... he's never showed any form of emotion in public at all...I think once The village was told about you being his parents... The constant attention began annoying first he was okay with it...he even had the civilian council siding with him. but that all changed when people started offering him things that he felt like he was not worth having Because he hadn't worked hard for a way...I guess he doesn't think that... anyone else accept his own family is worth his time now and I don't know what to do about changing the way he's growing more distant from others... even Sasuke uchiha has tried to challenge him and convince him otherwise but naruto just says that if they fought each other and held nothing back..... sasuke uchiha would be dead within seconds. It's getting late and I have to start getting ready for our date tonight thank you for bringing me home." And Kushina said.
" Not a problem hinata...and don't worry about naruto... he's just being stubborn.. it runs in the uzumaki clan family...we can be quite... prideful to say The least at it's more a sense of pride that he's not accepting things because he's not worth having them.. it's a matter of if he was to accept something without earning it through hard work that makes him feel bad Because it's a heavy blow to his pride as an honest person." Now that Hinata understood a little bit more about the ways naruto had been acting she could hopefully try cracking open that shell full of emotions that naruto has been keeping locked up from others accept his own family. And she knew that only one thing could do that....a kiss from her on The lips and a start to a new relationship between them.

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