chapter 4: naruto recognized as the village savior

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When word got out to other villages that naruto was The fourth Hokage's son and last royal heir to the uzumaki clan. Well let just say that Hiruzen jiraia and tsunade along with The entire village council had a kyuubi sized headache and like the kyuubi wasn't so easily gotten rid of by normal means. We now find naruto with the third hokage and his grandparents jiraia and Tsunade of the sannin going through paperwork and watching them All groaning in irritation at The three large stacks of alliance, trade agreement, and political marriage forms in front of them naruto said." You do know that there's an easy way to get through all this paperwork before night fall right???." Their eyes just widened and Hiruzen said.more like begged saying." Please naruto Tell us!!!. Tell us and we will do whatever you want!!!." Naruto then said." Alright. Step aside and let me see the forbidden scroll of sealing. If I'm right then the secret is in there." And so watching to make sure naruto didn't steal The scroll Hiruzen handed naruto the scroll out on The floor and browsing through it said." Aha. I knew that was dad's secret to paperwork!!!. Looks like you had it with you this whole time. Look!!!." Naruto then points to a certain clones technique.and The hokage said shocked he didn't think of that before." SHADOW CLONES!!!. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!?!?. STUPID STUPID STUPID OLD AGE!!!. THANK YOU NARUTO. YOUR A LIFE SAVER. and as a reward I'll let you have The Shadow clone technique and it's secrets. Plus one and only one other ninjutsu from the scroll." And naruto said." I already know witch other ones I want from The scroll.and that's the rasengan and hiraishin jutsu. Their My birth right aren't they???." And Hiruzen said." Yes they are.and you may have them and..." Naruto then interupted and said." Hey look at this. There's something written here by a person named mito uzumaki that says.

This scroll of forbidden seals is the sole property of The uzumaki clan and The borrowed property of the hidden leaf village.should at least one uzumaki clan member remain in konoha that person by All rights May take the scroll back at any time they see fit"

After hearing what was written in the very first page of the scroll Hiruzen started banging his head against the wall and said." DAMN IT!!!. curse you Mito Uzumaki!!!. NOW I have no choice but to give naruto The entire scroll!!!." And jiraia said." Please Sensei. Calm down. There's gotta be some way to get..." And tsunade said." Jiraia. I'd know my grandma Mito's handwriting anywhere and that's definitely her handwriting!!!. It seems she didn't fully trust The future generations of konoha and their hokage. Sorry jiraia but by all accounts The entire forbidden scroll of sealing now rightfully belongs to naruto!!!. And even though I hate to give such dangerous secrets to The kid maybe we can give it to him. AFTER he graduates from the academy. what do you say naruto???." Naruto gave it some thought for a moment and said." Alright but there's a very dark and dangerous jutsu in here that should be destroyed. The Edo tensei. From what I can tell it allows The user to...oh no!!!. I have to contact shinigami Sama imediatly!!!." And jiraia said." He can summon The shinigami!!??." And Sarutobi said." Don't ask.just watch." And so naruto activated his reapers eye and using The summoning jutsu said." Summoning jutsu!!!. Shinigami!!!." A blue spectral figure appeared and said." Greetings naruto-sama.what May I do for you my champion???." And naruto Then bowed on one knee and said." Contact Kami Sama. We need to destroy this seal right away!!!." Shinigami then pulled out a golden Bell and after that Kami appeared in All her beautiful glory and naruto said." Bow you idiots!!!. Bow before the goddess of life and god of death!!!." Jiraia tsunade and Hiruzen then did as told and Kami asked." Shinigami.why have you called me???." And shinigami said." Take a good look at the second seal on the scroll in front of us and Tell me what you see." Kami did as asked and her eyes widened and she said." That jutsu should never have been created to begin with I'm glad you called us naruto thank you."and naruto said." When it concerns tampering with life and death. any time. mistress kami and Lord shinigami." And Shinigami said." You have done well in showing this to us young champion of life and death. Now then. Let's begin." Kami and shinigami then pulled out a pair of Marti gras beads and rubbing them together they began to glow after Wich The beads were Then placed over top of each other and The seals for The Edo tensei ritual vanished from existence as if it was never created. They then picked up their beads and said." It is done. the Impure reincarnation jutsu no longer exists. We shall be going.once again.we thank you OH champion of ours." The two Then disappeared and naruto said." You may now rise. And I'm certain that you have many questions so let's just skip to The answers." Naruto then summoned his spirit dweller sword and stabbed it into the floor and said Kami art!!!. Memory projection!!!." A blinding white light then appeared throughout the entire room and naruto's memories were displayed for All to see as if they were watching a movie. ALL his recent memories from The night he was attacked to the next morning where he lost his temper at his class mates and put them in their place. To say that they were surprised was an understatement. They were amazed at how naruto could communicate with The shinigami AND Kami. To learn how his bloodline works and that he could use it to predict the future. Jiraia then said." That's.. The most... incredible... Thing I... Have ever...seen.." jiraia then fainted and tsunade said." Well... nothing would surprise me at this point." And naruto said." It gets better. Because shinigami said that when I unlock the final stages of the reapers eye it becomes The ressurections eye." NOW tsunade could faint and so she did." And naruto said." OH.and hokage Sama. Enjoy the shadow clone jutsu. And thanks for the scroll that RIGHTFULLY belongs to me. I expect to have it the day I graduate the academy."

naruto:wielder of the shinigami's eye.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang