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"You smell sweet, like honey" he says, barely a whisper. As his nose grazes my cheek. His fingertips brushing against my jaw.

His eyes were dark. Too dark to know he wasn't sane. I was afraid. Afraid he was gonna hurt me. Or even worse, kill me. "H-Harry" I whisper and a smirk slowly creeps onto his face "I like the way you say my name" he says lowly and my body starts to tremble. 

All I could smell was the scent of him. He smelled like cotton and a hint of vanilla. Staring into his eyes, something changed in them. 

Carefully he wrapped a strand of my hair around his finger. "You aren't trembling anymore" he says and I shake my head. The bright green in his eyes give me that sudden calmness I have been begging for since I was running for my life. To get away from him.

"If you were gonna do something, you would have by now" I say and I could see the smirk suddenly dissappear from his face. Backing away, he takes a long stare at me. As if a thousand thoughts were racing inside his head, he starts to pace. And suddenly I felt I was wrong to give out that statement.

Without any word or any look towards my way, he makes a quick exit out the door. I stand there in the silence of the hallway. Trying to put this all together. I blink, staring at the open door. Lost and confused.

I couldn't come to terms in how all of this had happened. Shutting and locking the door, I make my way into the bedroom and I lay back on my bed. Knowing I will not be getting any sleep tonight.

· · ·

I watch as people walk by. People always having a place to go and things to do. And with the three years that I have been here, I am still trying to find my place. I wrap my hands around my coffee cup, trying to provide any warmth to my hands.

Fall is months away but approaching and my mind drifts off as I think about the winter ahead. Walking to and from the bus in the cold air, isn't something I look forward too. I should really think about getting a car. But I have heavy anxiety driving in the city.

My mind drifts off to Harry. I could have called the police. But something tells me I shouldn't have. My phone vibrates in my coat pocket. Pulling it out, a text from my friend Lydia appears on the screen.

We need to talk.

I stare down at the screen, a bit confused. I tell her to come to the cafe I have been sitting in since two hours ago. The time has gone by without me even realizing it.

I sit back in the chair waiting for her arrival. What could she possibly want to talk to me about? Probably about another guy she is seeing.
Lydia and I have been friends since high school. I have moved here and she had too. She was the first friend I have ever made. And she happened to have known a old friend of mine back home.

I see her bright smile as she approaches. Her ankle boots clicking against the wood floors. She makes a quick gesture to sit down and she scrunches up her nose as her arms wrap around her stomach. "It's getting so cold out" she says and makes a quick look towards my cup of coffee.

"Have you heard from Amber?" she says as she shrugs off her coat. I furrow my eyebrows. Amber and I haven't spoken since I had left California. I came here with a purpose of starting fresh until I had bumped into Lydia.

"No. You know this" I say leaning forward. Unsure of where this is going, I push my coffee to the side, concentrating on the topic at hand. "What is this about?" I mumble as I lean my arms on the table.

She pushes her auburn hair back over her shoulder and folds her hands on the table. "She is here" she says, "Amber is here in Seattle." Her eyes look over my face as realization settles in. Guilt. Sadness. Everything.

I look down to the table. What happened the last time I saw her was something I had pushed in the back of my mind. Everyone in my home town was toxic. Drama spread like wild fire. I run my fingers through my tangled black hair just thinking about it.

"Why? Why is she here? It couldn't possibly be a reason to see me?" I say as I sit up, catching my self slouching. She is looking out the window, silent with no expression on her face.

"Well" she starts off with and her eyes drift down to her manicured nails. "Lydia" I say to grab her attention and she lets out a breath as she looks at me. "She didn't really tell me why other than her cousin is here" she simply shrugs and looks away.

Her cousin? She doesn't have a cousin that lives here? I look out the window lost in thought. "I am going to get myself a coffee" she states as she slings her bag over her arm and marches towards the front counter.

My eyes drift to my forgotten coffee. Sliding it back over, I frown realizing its warmth had dissipated. Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, I pull it out and examine the screen. A message had been sent to me from an unknown number.

Opening up the app, I feel a sudden uneasiness. My finger hovers over the message. Without a second thought, I click it.


It was wrong to barge into your apartment. Anyways.

I stare at the message and I let out a sarcastic laugh. Automatically knowing exactly who has texted me. What in the fuck is this piss poor excuse of an apology? He nearly threatened me. And he has the audacity to act like it's fine. Apologize with one little sentence and-

"What's so funny?" Lydia breaks my thoughts as I quickly flip my phone down, a little too loud, onto the table.

"I uh- nothing. It's nothing" I say a little too quickly and she slowly sits down staring at me as if I have two heads.

"Okay then" she says as she takes a sip of her coffee. "Anyways, Amber said she would text me later. I was thinking of seeing her" she states with a little nod. Her nose scrunches up as she eyes a man walking by. But her attention is quickly diverted to my phone as it buzzes against the table.

I press my lips together as I lift my phone up to see yet another message from him.

Celeste. Do not ignore me. I know you saw this. Do not make me do things I don't wanna do. I won't hesitate to get you again.

My eyes widen at the sudden message and I set my phone face down again. Sitting back, I look to Lydia as she is looking at her own phone. Within a spare of few seconds, my phone buzzes again.

"Who is texting you?" she questions as she reaches for my phone. But I quickly grab it before she can and I place it on my lap. "It's no one" I say and a small smirk starts to form onto her face. "Celeste Martin" she leans forward "are you talking to a man?." I shake my head as I feel my face starting to heat up "no I am not" I say with confidence but even she can see through my lies. My phone buzzes once again and I take a quick glance at my phone.

You look lovely.

As I read this, I feel the color drain from my face. Looking up, I start to look around. "What's wrong?" Lydia says "who are you looking for?" but I didn't care to answer as I scanned the area around me. Panic sets in as I don't see him anywhere. But within a few seconds more, my eyes land on him sitting on the other side of the cafe staring back at me. My phone drops to the floor as I realize he has been sitting there the whole time.


AN: HI GUYS!!! I am so sorry for disappearing. I am just unmotivated to create new chapters. But I am going to try my best to keep up. What did you think of this chapter?

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