Chapter 2 : Magic! | Nendou's date?

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"Salutations! Ladies and gentlemen it's the amazing Chouno Uryoko magic show!" I stop in my tracks to turn to who said that.

"Hey Saiki-kun look! A magic show!"

'Not interested, I can already see one of his tricks.'

"You're no fun! Come on, what ever happened your fun loving side!?" I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the crowd. 'I'll buy you some sweets later.'

'Fine.' My smile widen, knowing Kusuo-kun's weakness for sweets.

"Ah! A lovely couple joins the crowd! Excellent!" The magician exclaims when seeing us. I realize I'm still holding Kusuo-kun's arm, making us look closer than friends.

'We're not a couple.' The magician appears to ignore Kusuo-kun and bring out a box.

"As you can see this is a plain old empty box!" He opens the box to show nothing inside. "But once I do this..." He taps the box a couple of times, then opens the box to reveal a dozen doves flying out of the box. "Presto!"

"So cool! How did he do it!?" I cheered with the crowd.


'You don't need to tell me Kusuo-kun, I know how. It's a simple trick, I feel bad for the poor birbs that were stuffed in there.'

'I feel bad for that pigeon in his hat, also "birbs"?'

'You know not to question my weird words.' I stick my tongue out at him, only receiving a blank look once again.

"You, boy! Wasn't that amazing!?" The magician exclaimed, pointing at my best friend. "Your girlfriend seems to think so!"

'It was not, also she's not my girlfriend.' The psychic blankly looked at him. 'More importantly I'm worried about that bird, it looks like it fainted.'

'Wait what!?' I try not to show my panic for the bird. 'Kusuo-kun! You have to help that poor birb!'

'Calm down, don't shout in my head.'

"Now for my main trick! Michael!" Soon a very dirty, obviously homeless, old man walked up to the magician. "With my lovely assistant, I shall teleport from one of these giant boxes to another!"

With that, the old man enters the box. The magician starting singing, before stopping after a minute. "Now I shall open the box!" He does, and Micheal came out from under the table. "Tadaa!"

No one spoke, the crowd started to walk away in disappointment and annoyance.


"Why did you come out like that!? Geez!" The magician yelled at the old man.

"Well I'm sorry but it can't be helped, your timing was way too fast. Now where's my five hundred yen compensation for helping you?"

"Even if I wanted to, I can't! Because you messed up no one gave any tips!" The magician replied. I felt bad for ths old man, so I went to grab my coin purse but was interrupted by the magician noticing us. "Hm? Oh you're that couple from before."

"I'm sorry, but we aren't a couple."

"Oh my apologies." He then notices Kusuo-kun point towards his own head. "You want to tip? You don't have to worry about that!"

He removes his hat, "I would hate to take money from a kid-..." he then realized he had forgotten on his feathered friend. "PIKO!!"

The Psychic's best friend (Saiki Kusuo X Reader) [Under Revision]Where stories live. Discover now