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Before we truly begin my story, let me give a little better of an idea of me. Born in NC but now living in Cincinnati Ohio because mom couldn't stand that old town or the people in it supposedly. I'm 17 years old, my skin is like mom and dad's skin was mixed together in a paint bucket. My hair is in thick dark curls, another toss up of their genes. (my dad is black and Puerto Rican) I got his eyes, her smile, his jaw, her cheek bones. I've heard time and time again that I really was the best of them. Which would be kinda sweet if it didn't make me feel guilty. Not that it was my fault, not really, that they'd both put themselves into me and couldn't look at each other without floods of so many memories. Now maybe you can guess, why I feel guilty about being born, and how mom would tell me how I was actually the one who saved her. Says being a mother cleaned her up, she loved me to much to be the fuckup she might've become. So despite the despair that came along without my dad, she forced herself into getting a job and resources, and we do pretty good. My parents share custody, one week with mom and one week with dad and on some weekends I've woken to them talking- not sexually but still talking. I think I heard them fight...maybe once or twice. The first time was when he came back and the second time was when I was 10 and mom was so overwhelmingly tired of my dad's bullshit. Not that it damaged her love, but still makes me feel guilty.

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