hero and damsel

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Lance pulled up to the end of the driveway of the apartments, but he placed his hand over mine, "Xiomara?" I blinked at the sound of my name on his lips, different then his usual "baby". "I know you're mad at me. But I want you to know I won't go anywhere, as long as you need me I'll be here. And if you're not ready yet, then we don't have to have sex, even if you're never ready for it." Wow this guy is good. And now I wasn't only mad, I was horny. But I settled for a sweet kiss, "do you always get what you want?" I whispered playfully, Lance breathed in the scent of my hair, "I don't need everything, you're enough" kissing turned to taking off my shirt and Lance kissed down to the V neck of my breasts, I let him unhook my bra and he lifted me to his lap. Suddenly a light turned on at the apartments, dad came out and stared at the car, pissed as hell. "Xiomara get in this fucking house!" I rushed to pull my shirt back on and our legs tangled every which way as we tried to scramble out of the car. "Dad I know what it looks like but we weren't gonna do it, that's not why I snuck out" I rushed over to him but he gestured for me to go inside, Lance started for the door of his car, "no no get your paper white ass back here kid, I'll give you one last chance to meet me since you're here." Lance walked up slowly "good to finally meet you sir" dad did not look amused, "is it? Cause I can guess you've snuck over here before, motherfucker, and stayed outside for half an hour doing god knows the hell what. I use to be a teenager, I know how it works. Still you could've taken the time to meet the father of the girl you want to fuck" Lance turned red under the street light "of course I wanted to meet you sir, I'd never hurt her, we weren't doing anything." Dad turned back towards the building, "go the fuck home and get caught up on the sleep you're missing, I need to talk to my daughter". Lance glanced at me apologetically and then hurried back to his car. Dad motioned for me to go in first and then locked the door behind him, "it doesn't matter what damn reason you had for sneaking out, I'm more worried about you going off by yourself in the middle of the night getting yourself into shit after telling me you're going to bed. What was I suppose to think? Your ass is in so much trouble".

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