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He took my hand and ordinarily I would've pushed him or anyone else I barely knew, away. But the rum made me feel brave. The rum was in control. I couldn't think straight but the rum led me anyway, couldn't think as the man led me out of my seat and to the back.
When he made me lay on a sofa in the back towards the bathroom something finally snapped in me "I didn't come here to have sex"
He stared down at me "why did you come then? I bought you a couple drinks maybe I feel like you owe me."
"I..."  damn rum!!!
His voice softened "you want to, don't you? I'll take care of you"
I could barely speak at this point so I gave him a pleading look,
He seemed to think that look meant something else and proceeded to unzip his fly. He lowered himself over me. Wait. He wasn't even gonna use a condom. Sex makes babies. And I didn't want to do this anyway, but what was worse then the idea of carrying his baby was the idea of carrying something else from him.

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