life and lies

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Dad had his computers, mom had her writing, me? I have my painting. I spent the next few days after school shut up in my room trying to paint up something that represented what we really are, so colorful but empty empty empty. And I'm to contradicting to be labeled with anything.
I'm nice. Except the days like today where I just hate everybody.
I'm compassionate. Except if that person is acting like a total idiot.
I'm smart. Except only in the things I give a shit about.
I'm pretty. Just ask any guy who tried to have his way with me without any question of what I want.
I never even stuck with a particular style, I'd get to tired of wearing the same kind of clothes or putting up a certain front everyday. The biggest mistake anybody ever made as a teenager was trying to convince people they could do something that they didn't actual want.

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