and then it was over

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  I realized I was holding my breath, and dizzy from the rum, I force my mouth open to let out a scream, he clamps a big sweaty hand over my mouth and I feel like I'm looking into the eyes of death. Dark piercing eyes that say "I'm gonna have my way with you" He was gonna go until he was through. He kept one hand over my mouth and all I could get out were muffled sounds. Suddenly I wanted Lance. I wanted my parents. I wanted someone, any one, to come barging through the door.
I kicked him in the gut and as soon as his hand wrenched away I screamed "STOPPPPP!!!!!"
He shot a glance at the door and foot steps were running towards it, banging on the door, it flew open and the manager and a few employees rushed in, pulled Eli away, I think someone asked me if I was okay but I collapsed in someone's arms and puked up rum and guts until I was cramping.

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