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Aunt Lauren noticed my quietness, usually we jam together to her old tastes. Blue eyes meet dark brown eyes (daddy's eyes) as she looks over at me in the passenger side. "Okay, spill honey, this isn't like you." I give her a one cornered smile, "you expect me to not worry about you seeing my dad for the first time in two years? The damn car might explode before we even pull up." Aunt Lauren just shook her head and turned her eyes back to the road, "no honey, I use to live angry and that shit doesn't work. It didn't punish your father, his own carelessness would come back to bite his ass all on its own and the same with your mom. Besides, I'm to old to be holding grudges and to young to be filled with bitterness." My fun loving aunt, and the one who stuck up for me when I came to her with bloody noses from bullies, was now telling me to do the practical thing. From personal experience I can say that I on the other hand, don't have as much patience for such a thing.

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