Chapter 8: Injuries

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(S/n) - sister's name

(B/n) - brother's name

(F/c) - Favorite color

What is this?

"Come on sis!"

I've been here before...

"Look at those flowers (s/n)! They're so pretty!"

Did I die?

"Alright I'm coming you don't have to pull me!"

I remember this day...

"Look! There at this flower its (f/c)! So cool!"

I'll never forget it

"Kids! 5 more minutes!"

We lied. We were having so much fun though

"Ouch! Something stung me (s/n)!"

I was clueless...

"Here, let me see."

She cared

"It's swelling up! I'll go get mom!"

We bonded soon after

"It's okay. Your gonna be fine, (y/n)."

I trusted her



"Hey loser!"

This is familiar....

"The only loser here is you!"

I knew that wouldn't help

"Why don't you run back home and cry before that big mouth of yours gets you in trouble!"

I wanted him to stop

"Stop being a bully, Chase!"

A name I'll never forget...he pushed me...I wanted him to pay.

"HEY! You better think twice before messing with my sister!"

I was amazed by his fighting skills...he was always my hero.

"Thanks, (b/n)!"

"Well, I couldn't let them bully me little cinnamon roll!"

I loved that nickname. It made me feel important....

"Let's go, (y/n)."



Nothing could be seen.

All noises were muted......except one..

A high pitched ringing buzzed in your ear. A siren? No......its repeated, over and over, bringing anyone to insanity if you listened to it long enough. You wanted to move but every time you tried, your body screamed in pain.
I fell didn't I? What about Mark and Sean? They weren't themselves felt the most pain in your head like something was growing out of it. It hurts.

The noise became more clear. It was an emergency vehicle. You felt a warm surface cover your body then disappear again. More voices could be heard. One voice was most noticeable. "Today in the country side of, {insert state}, there was an U.F.O sited along with 3 people inside.

One of them was found a few miles away from the U.F.O, severely injured and is now being take to the hospital. The other people founded have been taken to police for questioning for invading private property and obtaining an illegal mode of transportation...." The rest was unheard because of the people bringing you to a hospital.

"She's awake!" A red haired lady said in front of you. "what.....?" You quietly asked. You felt a weird texture on your legs and arm. "Oh I'm sorry. Allow me to introduce myself....I'm Nurse Claire. The doctor should be coming in a couple of minutes to check up on you." She walks out of the room with that fake, cheery smile.

Your vision becomes less blurry so you decide to exam the room. It's not as interesting as any other hospitals you've been to. You spot a T.V remote and reached out for it. The pain immediately registered in your arm when reaching out a couple of inches. You discovered a cast around it with a, 'Get well soon!' in sharpie. You recognized the handwriting as your older brother's hand writing.

Thankfully, the cast covered up the numbers. They will always bring you great fear when you gaze upon them. You managed to pick up the remote with your non-broken arm and turned it to the news. "Breaking News! 2 people found on a strange ship, falling from space, have been now claimed insane for almost killing 5 police and 2 medical professionals after claiming they want to destroy the human race. They have been taken to the asylum in downtown {your city}.

The other person has now been sent to the hospital and will be questioned by the police for more detail on this topic." You turned off the T.V to calm yourself from all the things you heard. Footsteps drew closer to your door and opened to a 40 year old man. "Hello miss (y/n) appears you have police wanting answers from you. I'll them know your here once I've taken a look at your legs and arm.

He did his x-Ray on all your broken bones and told you that you will not be able to walk on your own and will now need a wheelchair for about 5 months. This news almost brought you to tears knowing that you'd have to give up {insert sport or just something you do if it's not a sport}. "We will release you tomorrow for questioning." He gently shuts the door and leaves you in the silence.

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