Chapter 11: Demons

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You could feel the all the sweat you produced on your pillow from the amount of stressful things you've been through to being abducted by aliens to seeing your favorite youtubers get put in an asylum. 

 You tip toe to the bathroom remembering (s/n) is still asleep. You splash water on your face to cool you down. What you saw in the mirror was somebody unrecognizable. Sharp fangs and small red horns which resemble something you never wanted to be.

  A demon......the doorbell rings snapping you out of your trance. IT'S 4 A.M WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? You march downstairs and open the door. Nobody.....except a letter on the porch.

 You pick it up and see it wrote, 'To Ms. (Y/n). From, the police department.' You thought that they were satisfied with the response they got, but of course they weren't. You rip it open and throw the envelope in the trash. 'We appear to need more information for this case. Whenever you have the chance to answer a few questions will be fine.'

  I have time now. You put on your favorite (f/c) fleece and head to the station.

The atmosphere seems to have changed the moment you stepped outside. You swore you heard a faint chuckle from behind you. Another minute goes by and you feel something grab your shoulders in a familiar way. "HeLlO..." Then you feel something slam against your head, making you fall into darkness.

"What the--" you yell. You appear to be in somebody's bedroom all alone. "OH COME ON!"

  "Anti she's awake." A dark voice calls outside your door. The door swings open to the Irish dork himself. 

"You're probably wondering why your here.....well I'll let Dark explain." 

"Yes. We are something you don't know of. Demons to be more exact. But, you are something that's never been created by the scientist until now, a shapeshifter hybrid." 

"Whhhaaaaaatttt." You looked at them like they both have unicorn horns for head.

  "See.....they did some experiments on ya which turned you into a human who can turn into or mimic objects, animals or people."

"We did want to destroy the world but now......we want to protect you from it. You are something we could never dream of being and we both promised to make it our duty to keep you safe from anyone who's looking for you even if it means keeping you here...."

"I can shapeshift and I'm forced to live with demons......great.."

 "You're staying here if you like it or not." Anti states.

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