Chapter 12: Fun

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You were watching (childhood show) to relive what you thought was the greatest time of your life. 

"Childish.." Dark scowls. 

"Heck yeah." You admit, you liked being the childish being you are.

 "Don't judge me!" Dark decides to sit next to you after a minute. Anti soon joins in. 

"Why do we have to watch (childhood show)?" He whines.

 "Because it brings back precious memories!" You soon felt tired from being in space for awhile. You were unaware that you turned into a cat while taking a nap.

  "Awwwww." They both said in sync.

  "I found a new nickname for this one....kitten!" Anti picks you up and brings you to the bedroom and starts to pet you making you purr. 

"Your too adorable, kitten." He whispers while falling asleep as well.

You remembered every detail of last night, thankfully. You blushed when you remembered being called 'kitten'. You couldn't move because you were currently stuck between Anti and Dark squeezing you. It felt nice, like you could sleep forever between them. You tried to get up when you heard your stomach growl, but failed since Dark had quite a grip on your waist.

  "You can't leave (y/n)..." He said half-sleeping. "Dude! I'm gonna starve!" You whisper-yelled.

  "Then I'll make breakfast." He lets go of you then heads downstairs to make pancakes. 

"Hey kitten." Anti rubs his eyes then looks at you.

 "Saw dude." You yawn.

  "I think Dark might need a nickname for you too." "Yep." You ran to the hypnotizing scent that screamed 'eat me'. Dark was making pancakes in a 'kiss the cook' apron. You decided to play along and kiss him on the cheek. His cheeks turned 50 shades of red, frozen in place. "Thanks for the pancakes." You chuckle. 

"You are one sly fox." He pauses,"that can be your nickname!" "I'm cool with that." You devour the pancakes before Anti even sat down. 

"Dang girl! I didn't even sit down!" You snort at his outburst.

Time skip!!!!!

"Anti, I can't see!" "Dark! Get on the flag!" "I got it!" "No fair! You cheated!" "Soooory kitten." You were currently playing Super Mario Bros. Wii U with two lovable dorks even though they will not let you get to the flag first. "A GOTTA PEEEEEEEEE" you sprinted to the bathroom and sighed in relief that you made it in time. You got out of the bathroom and the game was paused with no one is sight. "Guys?"


"Boo!" They both jumped out of nowhere and almost gave you a heart attack. Your animal instincts kicked in and you turned into a large (f/c)
dragon. DONTSCAREMELIKETHAT!" You yelled. "Okay....kitten you can calm down now." You quickly turned back into your original form and apologized.
"Wanna watch a movie?"

"(Favorite movie)!"

"I'm gonna have to agree with (y/n) on that one." "Popcorn!!" You threw the popcorn bag into the microwave for 2 minutes and cuddled up in a fluffy blanket between Anti and Dark. Anti looks at Dark as if he knows what Dark's thinking. Anti goes to grab the popcorn out of the microwave and Dark picks you up and sets you on his lap. He gently puts his arm around your waist in a comforting way. The smell of sweet, buttery popcorn spreads through the room that makes your mouth water.

 "Give me!" You reach your arms out like a little toddler wanting a toy. He tosses the popcorn to see if it could land in your mouth which it didn't of course. Anti chuckles at your childish behavior. Dark starts up the movie then allows Anti to rest his head on your shoulder. Everyone fell asleep when the credits rolled. You felt as if Anti and Dark were more possessive to you the longer you stayed with them. Ignoring that thought, you let yourself rest for the day.

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