Chapter 13: Found

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"How did you guys get out of the asylum?" You questioned to break the silence. "Easy! We kil-I mean reasoned with the security guards." They looked nervous. You swore you heard them almost say kill. "Alright I guess...." "Now if you excuse us we have business to attend to." Dark had a devilish smirk on his face then left with Anti following behind.

What to decided to play Just Dance since that was one of the games you were really good at. You were getting most of the perfects on every move. You noticed you still had your horns but you did have a tail too, and wings. I TURNED INTO A DRAGON! You paused the game and ran into the bathroom. You saw (e/c) eyes, (f/c) scales, and sharp wings. I should probably go to the gym though. You began to realize that space was the whole reason you felt a lot slower and weaker. You busted open the locked door and ran to the gym near by. You headed up to the treadmill and put on your headphones to listen to (favorite song). You put it on the highest speed and turned into cheetah when no one was paying attention. You were enjoying not being inside a cold, futuristic spaceship for once.

You started to feel tired after awhile and turned the treadmill off. The fountain water tastes so refreshing when your a hot, sweaty mess. As you exited the building you noticed you were being followed so you started to walk faster. Someone grabs you from behind tries the drag you to a car. "Hey! What's good!?!" You yell at them while thrashing about in their grasp.


Something drops beside you and you fall to the floor. It's the scientist.....and Dark holds a gun in his hand meaning he shot the bullet. "Dark....I didn't me-" "from now on you are never leaving our side unless we tell you to got it?!" "Yeah." You sigh.

Dark and Anti left you alone again but came rushing back in the house with blood stains on them. "Have you been killing people?" You ask with a blank expression. "What!? No.....what led you to a conclusion like that?" "I'm not stupid, stupid." You sass. "We just were having a little bit of fun that's all." "What about when the police find out where we live?!" Right on cue, a police officer bangs on the door. "Open up! This is the police!" You run to the storage closet and turn into a box to camouflage. A loud crashing sound echoes throughout the room. "Be careful.......we are looking for 3 of the most powerful experiments we've made." So it's not the police. "Right." Multiple footsteps scatter around the house. One of the footsteps opens the closet. "Found you...." It whispered then made you turned back into your original form. He stabbed something into your neck and made you black out

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