Chapter 1:The Secret is Revealed

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Narrator POV:

Buffy and Cyrus just sat down at The Spoon together after the night before being spent at a party for Jefferson's own Ultimate Frisbey team. Buffy sits down being upbeat and excites to be hanging out with Cyrus, but Cyrus seems to be different than his normal self.

Buffy and Cyrus POV:

"Hey Cyrus", Buffy cheerfully exclaimed to Cyrus. "That was quite a sight last night to watch. I am so happy for Andi and Jonah! Should we order some baby taters?"

"No, no baby taters. I am so happy for Andi and Jonah as well...", Cyrus said in an obviously distressed way.

"Cyrus you are scaring me. You always want baby taters and you sounded kind of... jealous. A-are you jealous of them?..", Buffy asked in a worried tone.

Cyrus shakes his head up and down at Buffy letting her know that he is jealous. As he does this he quietly whimpers as he is extremely nervous.

"Wait. Cyrus.. You like Andi?", Buffy questioned Cyrus with a sense of curiosity going through her.

"N-n-no", Cyrus whimpers under his while trying to hold back tears.

"You, you like Jonah.", Buffy states as a shocked look takes over her face.

Cyrus nods his head, confirming what Buffy had just said. "Buffy. I feel wrong for my feelings. I feel... weird, different."

"Cyrus. It's okay for you to feel how you do. You aren't any different than you were before or anyone else. And as for the weird part, that's just you being Cyrus.", Buffy assures Cyrus in a comforting tone.

"I am glad I told Buffy. The thought if anyone else finding out though... I don't know if I could do that."

"It's okay. You don't have to. My lips are sealed and it's up to you to tell who you want"

"Thank you Buffy. The timing for this is horrible Jonah isn't single and Andi finally got what she wanted, Jonah. I feel wrong for have feelings in the same guy she does"

"That's fine. Everything is fine. Things works out in weird ways."

Narrator POV:

At that moment their waitress brings them the milkshakes they had ordered before. Their conversation then spirals into random topics as they sit there until night time hits.

This chapter is just to tell you when exactly this story takes place. After this, things get different from the show.

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