Chapter 5:The Woes of Cyrus

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GHC and Jonah:

Cyrus and Jonah got up from the lunch table and walked a little bit away so Cyrus could take to Jonah 1 on 1.

"Well now that we are here, what did you want to talk about Cy-Guy?", Jonah asked with as much entusiam as he puts into every other sentence he speaks.

"I-I was wondering if you wanted to come over this Saturday and have a sleepover?", Cyrus' heart was beating extremely fast. He worried thay he messed up his friendship with Jonah by asking.

"I am free on Saturday and Sunday, so sure Cy-Guy. You could've just asked me that at the table you know.", Jonah responded to Cyrus with a snicker in between words.

Jonah and Cyrus then walked back to the table. Cyrus couldn't believe that he was going to be having a sleepover with Jonah Beck.

"So? What did you two talk about?", Buffy asked while giving Cyrus a concerned grin.

"Nothing really. He just had a few questions for me.", Jonah told Buffy.

"Oh, okay. So Cyrus, I was wondering if you could help me set some things up for me to be able to practice basketball after school today?", Buffy asked Cyrus as she tried to raise her voice to speak over Andi who was telling Jonah some story.

"Okay sounds like a plan Driscoll. What exactly will we be doing?"

"Oh we will be--", Buffy gets cut off by a voice thay approaches her.

"Hey Buffy. Are you still planning to practice after school? We could do some 1 on 1's if you want, unless you're scared you'll lose.", Marty challenged as he walked over to the lunch table.

"I am not scared. I will beat you anytime, any place. Sorry Cyrus but this means I don't need you after all.", Buffy says with confidence flowing through her veins.

"B-but I want t--", Cyrus got his sentence cut short by Marty who was bow going back and forth with Buffy.

Narrator POV:

Cyrus was extremely hurt by the way Buffy just treated him. No one seems to care about him currently, but at least he gets to hang out with Jonah this weekend.

He was still scheduled to cheer Buffy on at try outs but he doubted she would need him there. She has Marty after all. He was still going to show up though to support her. People might not be the best for him, but he wants to be the best for his friends. Plus, who knows, he might make some new friends.

Cyrus POV:

School was horrible today besides Jonah. I really just want to relax and forget about everything. Normally to do that I would hang out with Buffy or Andi, but those options are taken. To distract myself I turn on a documentary about reptiles. Documentaries always calm me down, but specifically ones about reptiles and dinosaurs. This reptile they focused on was the Bearded Dragon. It always used to scare Cyrus when he was younger, but over time he began to find a weird fondness for it.

By the time Cyrus finished the documentary it was already 11pm. Knowing himself too well he went upstairs to sleep. As he played there with his eyes closed, his only thoughts consisted of Jonah being in that exact room in a week. That's when it really sunk in. He is having Jonah Beck over and has no idea what they are going to do. Cyrus then dosed off for the night to thoughts of what to do when Jonah was over.

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