Chapter 6:TJ Kippen and Basketball

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Buffy POV:

I walk into the usually empty gym to see an extreme amount of guys. Some are slim, some are a little bigger, and are just in between. There are plenty of tall guys, but a lot fewer short guys. The one thing i don't see are girls. I am shocked I am the only girl to get this idea, but someone has to start a trend right?

Marty walks up behind me a few seconds after I entered the gym. Both of our eyes show no fear, especially mine. In the few 1 on 1's Marty and I have played, I won pretty easily. It's not surprising. Few can match the prowess of me, The Buffy Driscoll. After looking around a little more I spot the tallest guy in the gym, TJ Kippen.

TJ is the headstrong captain of the basketball team. I have to impress him if I want any chance on the team. Rumors have it that he is a jerk, but I don't want to assume that, I need to see it with my own eyes. He obviously noticed I was here as he glared over in my direction when I entered and whispered to his friends. I just hope I have a chance.

Buffy, Marty, and TJ:

"So you're the gurl who signed up?", TJ said as he looked Buffy up and down as if he was checking her out.

"I am that girl, Buffy Driscoll. There's not girls team so this was the only way for me to play basketball. I hope I impress you.", Buffy confidentially states to TJ as he looks at her confused.

"Wait, you're serious about this? You actually think I would let a girl on the guys team? Get going Driscoll!!", TJ tells Buffy with the intent to intimidate her.

"I am not going anywhere. That's no way to talk to your future teammate TJ.", Buffy responds to TJ sounding more confident than ever.

"Hey I am Marty. I am trying out. I heard that your the captain. Oh, Buffy got here first.", Marty says as he walks over to the two others.

"Not a good time.", TJ and Buffy say to Marty in unison.

Narrator POV:

At that moment Cyrus walks into the gym, excited to watch Marty, but especially Buffy try out. He doesn't seem to notice the argument, so he just walks over to the bleachers designated for the viewers so he can view the try outs.

The huge mass in the middle if the gymnasium begins to break into smaller, but still big masses. This means that the try outs are about to begin. Cyrus can see that Buffy and Marty are in two different groups. Buffy seems to be the tallest in her group, but Marty just blends into his group as they are all of similar size.

Cyrus feels as if he is being watched from the front of the gymnasium but ignores it. He's too busy watching Buffy start to stretch as she prepared for her go. TJ is at the front of the gymnasium with a whistle about to start off the try outs, the coach stands to the right if him.

TJ blows the whistle and the first people are out on the court trying to show off what they have. Nothing eventful happens as everyone seems average, until Buffy shows up. Buffy shows amazing control over the basketball. As she does all the drills, everyone focuses on her. Even TJ is impressed by her.

After Buffy goes Marty, but he doesn't seem impressive at all as Buffy's performance overshadows his. Buffy is obviously proud of herself, but Marty doesn't seem so happy. He knows she ruined his chances.

After everyone goes, Buffy obviously did the best. Cyrus runs up to her to give her a hug. Marty walks up to her as well to congratulate her on her job well done. Almost immediately after Marty showed up, soon came TJ.

Buffy, Cyrus, TJ, and Coach:

"Well Driscoll you did good, but you can't-", TJ begins to say until he is interrupted by the coach.

"You are in!!! You did so amazing. TJ and I were both astonished at your skills!", the coach says excitedly. Making TJ glare at Buffy as well as glare at the coach.

"Congratulations Buffy!!! That's so amazing!!", Cyrus says to Buffy as he jumps up and down out of excitement for his best friend's accomplishment.

"Hey don't I know you from somewhere?", TJ asked surprisingly to Cyrus.

"Huh. I think so, but I cant remember.", Cyrus responded.

"Neither can I. Well it's nice seeing you again!"

"Well we have got to leave now. Bye.", Buffy quickly interjects to leave the situation.

Buffy POV:

I got into the basketball team as it was expected. This means I can finally show off my skills and use them to win in something else besides track. Marty didn't get on the team though. I feel bad for him and he obviously feels bad for himself, but he should've tried harder. Still, I do feel really bad for him. Watching someone you care about hurt because of you feels really bad.

Today has been going really well except for TJ. He keeps giving me glares. I haven't done anything to him, so it's his problem. He was right there when Marty and I read that he didn't get on the team. He seemed so happy at our reactions. I hope he keeps all of this off the court. If he doesn't then he is sabotaging our chances at victory. I will find out at the practice after school. Hopefully everything goes well.

Okay so this chapter took a lot longer to write than I expected. This chapter is the calm before the storm. How this chapter turns out really dictates the pace the story goes from here on out so I really took my time trying to give it the right feel. I literally rewrote this whole chapter 4 times. It is a really bad chapter, but oh well. Next chapter should make up for that with its tea. Thank you for the almost 40 reads!!!!

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