Chapter 10:Normal People Things

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Buffy POV:

Today was a very drama filled day. First Jonah explained to me that he said that something "gay" to Cyrus. Cyrus then told me that it was fine, which shocked me. There was obviously something up with Andi, but I am not sure what that was exactly. I am worried for this friend group. I feel like things could implode quickly without us noticing.

With all that's going, on it's nice to be able to do my own thing after school. Today I don't have basketball practice, so I get to hang out with Marty after school. Normally I would have hung out with Andi, Cyrus, and or Jonah, but this time I wanted to spend time with Marty. I would never let him know that though, he would never let it go.

We are going to my house to hang out. I have a basketball hoop in my backyard and the neighborhood is nice for running if we want to, but I don't want to do those things. All I really want to do is relax and talk to him. I can't do that though, he would think I like him and would make constant jokes. Because of this I am just going to play some sports with him like i would normally do. Why am I sad about that? I always like being given a chance to beat Marty. What's wrong with me? I need to fix that.

Buffy and Marty:

"Hey Buffy!", Marty says as he walks up to Buffy's house. "Is your dad home yet, or is he still working?"

"Still working sadly. It took you so long to get here. I have some more doubts about your speed than I did before, which even then I had a lit of doubts.", Buffy tells Marty with a slight chuckle.

"So, are we going to play basketball, run, or watch TV like normal people?"

"Hey, playing basketball and running are normal!", Buffy huffs to Marty.

"Alright, alright, but I want to run.", Marty compromises, having a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Okay. Anywhere is specific we running to or?"

"No where specific. Why dont we just go through your neighborhood in a loop and then I go?"

"Sounds good to me. I feel bad that this is all the time you are going to be able to spend looking at me instead of my back!", Buffy says as she starts to run.

"Hey, unfair!! You caught me off guard", Marty screams up to Buffy who was already a good amount ahead of him because of her trickery.

The two make their trip around the neighborhood, but arrive at Buffy's house at the same time.

"Welp. I guess u should go now", Marty gets out in between his heavy breaths.

"Okay. See you tomorrow Marty!!", Buffy says as she hugs him. Why did she hug him?

He hugs her back and starts to walk away. "See you later as well. Bye."

Buffy POV:

Once Marty left, I decided to lay down and watch some Netflix in my living room. My dad should get home any minute. He usually works late because he doesn't like the reminder that my mom is still deployed. It's not that good when my mom is deployed. Those years usually consist of my family being very apart. Those years of being apart mean nothing when my mom is home though. When she is home we do everything together. Without her around the house feels empty. I try to do a lot of things after school to distract myself from that fact, but nothing can cover it up that long.

I forgot about my math homework so I pause the Netflix and do the homework. It was extremely easy and only took me around 10 minutes to finish a 4 page packets which honestly isn't that long for the packet. I ginsihd my packet it just enough time for my dad to come home. We ended up making spaghetti together. We ended up eating it in the living room while watching a comedy on Netflix. My mom is a person who enjoys dramas on TV, but my dad and I prefer comedies. Thays knew of the big things that i have bonded with Jim through. When a comedy is on i almost forget that she is deployed. Once it's over though reality sinks back in.

After helping pick up and clean up dinner I was ready to go to sleep. I pack up my things for school in the morning and place them on the stool in my room. I then go brush my hair and teeth and jump into my bed. I begin to fall asleep until I realise what Jonah did. HE HURT CYRUS. If Cyrus isn't any happier tomorrow, Jonah better be prepared to die.

Not gonna lie. I cried like 3 times while writing this because I realised that Andi Mack is almost 100 percent guaranteed to not get picked up by anyone else. I just feel bad in general. This story is helping as a way to release my Andi Mack wants, but it is also making me want more of the actual show. Also sorry that this chapter is kind if filler. As the summary of the story says, this story is made to give all of the ships and characters more thorough stories. For that I decided to go a bit off of the key drama going on currently to give Buffy a little bit more story and to give Marty some more screen time. Thank you for reading!!! Also, my next chapter is called out and coming and is already finished, so look forward to that in two days. It honestly may be less because I will probably break XD.

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