Chapter 13:Geckos and Snakes

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Cyrus POV:

Jonah and I left The Spoon with obvious good moods radiating from our bodies.
Tell Jonah the truth lifted a weight off my shoulders that seemed to be weighing me down. The idea of Jonah learning that I was gay used to paralyze me in the past, but for some reason I told him. I wasn't as nervous as I expected once I told him. In fact I felt weirdly comfortable with him. It was a strange, but nice feeling. It was something I could get used to.

I don't know why I had so much confidence all of a sudden to ask Jonah over. The last time I asked him over I was a nervous wreck and he even didn't know I was gay, so it's weird that I am being so relaxed. No matter what it is that has given me so much confidence, I am happy that I got it suddenly. I get to hang out more with Jonah Beck because of it, which would always be a plus. The things we are going to be doing are super boring though, so he will probably get bored and want to leave as soon as we arrive.

After a short walk with Jonah and I conversing every once and awhile, we are at my house. My parents being therapists leaves their schedules being different everyday, so I never know if they are home or not. Today they seemed to not be home, so Jonah and I had the house to ourselves. This meant I wouldn't be questioned about school and homework, but most importantly Jonah could stay longer than if they were there.

Jonah and Cyrus:

"So I was thinking that we could discuss these books-", Cyrus said, getting cut off by Jonah.

"What about those documentaries you were telling me about, with the dinosaurs and reptiles?", Jonah asks.

"Oh. You really want to watch those things? No one ever wants to watch documentaries with me. Everyone finds them too slow and they end up getting bored.", Cyrus states, trying to see if Jonah is really serious about wanting to watch the documentaries.

Jonah's phone began to vibrate from text messages, so Jonah turned his phone off and began to speak to Cyrus. "If you are trying to talk me out if it it isn't going to work. You already got me hyped up by explaining those lizard facts to me earlier. I would never have known that geckos dont have eyelids if you didn't tell me about a documentary you watched, so we are watching one."

"Okay, but which onnne?? Hmmm? I know!! You enjoyed the gecko facts from earlier, so how about a documentary about geckos?", Cyrus asked.

"Sounds perfect", Jonah says resting his head on on the couch as Cyrus began the documentary.

Narrators POV:

Cyrus and Jonah watched the documentary and enjoyed every second of it. Jonah was thrilled to the point of wanting to watch another one, which Cyrus happily began to play. The documentary was going fine until Jonah began to doze off. After a little while he was fully out and resting on Cyrus' shoulder. Cyrus immediately took notice of this and rested his head on Jonah's. This awakened Jonah, he immediately noticed what was happening. He looked up and Cyrus who looked down upon him. They then interlocked their hands and continued to watch the documentaries.

So I really rushed this out because I felt horrible for leaving it open, even though I did leave the ending extremely open with Muffy, Jyrus, and the Andi drama. There was supposed to be anothe Rove interest for Cyrus to act as drama. The Andi drama was going to lead to that love interest, but I wrote Jyrus so hard that i couldn't realistocally create another love interest for the drama as they were just too strong together. I had around 40 chapters planned for this story. This was my first fanfiction and I had to no plan and began writing myself into a corner. I hope my next fanfiction turns out much better and ends up not taking so ling between chapters. See you all later!!

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