Chapter 2:Boy Issues

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Cyrus POV:

It's been a few weeks since I told Buffy about my crush on Jonah. Whenever Andi and Jonah or ad I prefer to call them, "Jandi" have a cute moment she always makes a comment. She think it helps me but it just makes me feel worse for liking Jonah.

With the new Jandi relationship I am left with little to no time with Andi. Because if this Buffy and I have been spending more time together and are just boring so much compared to the past. I feel me telling her about how I am has contributed to our stronger bond. I really wish I could tell Andi but I just can't think if a way to say "Hey Andi I have a crush on your boyfriend" and her not be mad at me.

My time with Buffy seems to be coming to an end as well though. Buffy was always busy with track earlier in the year, but now basketball is in season and she wants to tryout for it. Basketball takes a lot more time than track did and her friend Marty is also signing up so she won't have room for me really..

Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy:

"Hey, what is going my fellow members of the Good Hair Crew!!", said Cyrus as he sits down in the cafeteria for lunch.

"Cyrus for the last time stop calling us that!!!", Buffy exclaimed with obvious discomfort in her voice.

"So guysssss. I have some news about Jonah and I. We are official!!!! We are going on a date this Friday!", Andi burster out in excitement.

"That's awesome. You two are so cute together!", Buffy tells Andi as she studies Cyrus' expression to see how he is doing after the news.

Cyrus POV:

Why do I feel so jealous right now. I am happy for Andi. I am supposed to be happy for her. God why am I so jealous right now!!!! I really don't want to see them together. I am struggling more and more with this. I really really want Andi to be happy but for her to be, I am forced to suffer.

Buffy could tell that Andi talking about this was hurting me. Andi kept talking about ever cute thing Jonah had done. Buffy tried to change the subject but everytime the conversation seemed normal Andi would revert it back. Finally I couldn't take it anymore.

Andi, Cyrus, and Andi POV:

"I got to go. I have somewhere else to be", Cyrus told his friends trying not to cause a scene.

"Cyrus don't leave! Cyrus come bacck. Cyrusss!!", Andi yelled at Cyrus trying to get him to comeback not realising she was the source of the issue.

"Just let him be. It was obviously important if he needed to go that quickly", Buffy whispered to Andi, trying to reassure her that everything was fine.

Narrator POV*

Cyrus ran to a corner he knew really well. It was by the staircase leading up to the higher up classrooms. It was a little alcove that he knew for sure no one would find him in. He curled up in a ball just crying and whimpering to himself. He hates himself for being "different". He wishes he could just be  "normal". As he sits there in his sorrow he heres somekne walk by and look in the direction he was residing.

Cyrus and the mystery boy:

"Are-are you okay?", the mystery boy asked Cyrus as he inches closer to the boy in the floor.

"I am okay", Cyrus responded with a sniffle. "Thank you for checking.".

"You need help up? I don't mind."

"That would be nice", Cyrus said to the mystery boy as he was helped up. He got a better view if the boy from here. He was tall, his hair was a nice dirty blonde color, and his eyes were blue. "Thank you. I didn't expect anyone to find me there let alone try to help me.".

"It's no problem at all. Hope you feel better", the boy said to Cyrus before walking off to what seemed to be the cafeteria.

Narrator POV:

Cyrus watched the boy walking away trying to remember his name. In the end he couldn't think of it but he was still greatful for the good Samaritan that just helped him. Cyrus was more calm now and went on to his next class and enjoyed the rest of the day as if nothing had had happened to him.

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