Chapter 3:The Jandi Date

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Narrator POV:

Friday had finally come for Jonah and Andi. The past week had gone by at a snails pace for Andi who was extremely excited to go on her first date with THE Jonah Beck. Jonah on the other hand had a week that went by fast.

Andi has never been in any kind of relationship before let alone on a date, so of course she was extremely nervous about the whole event. Jonah on the other can had already dated a few girls before Andi, so naturally he was used to going on dates.

Andi and Jonah planned to meet at The Spoon at 5:00pm after school. Andi arrived at The Spoon 15 minutes early and just sat down as the minutes slowly ticked by. Once 5:00pm finally hit she had given up all hope on him showing up until he walked in through the front door

Andi and Jonah:

"Hey Andiman! Nice to see you.", Jonah tells Andi as he takes a seat across from her.

"Soooooo. What do you think about us being girlfriend and boyfriend? Awesome right?", pestered Andi, trying to get Jonah to agree

"Can we not call it that. I don't like labels. They sound so permanent. But yeah, it is nice.", Jonah responded, obviously surprising Andi. "Hi, could I get some fries and a chocolate shake and she will have some baby taters with a strawberry milkshake. Thank you!", Jonah requested to the waitress who was walking by the table.

"Sound too permanent? O-okay. I totally agree. I'm glad we cleared that up.", Andi nervously said to Jonah, obviously shocked as well as hurt.

Narrator POV:

Andi and Jonah continues to go back and forth throughout the date about topics such as Ultimate Frisbee and other school activities. They discussed their friends, which eventually developed into Andi asking if Jonah would sit with the GHC. Jonah agreed even though he want the happiest about it. Cyrus was awesome and he always had gun with him even though he could be weird. Buffy was a completely different story. She never was nice to him and always gave him a hard time. He worried about her ruining his experience, but in the end he caved in.

Later that night after Andi and Jonah had their date Andi finally arrived back home. She came into the house with a smile on her face but with sadness in her eyes. Bex being Andi's mom immediately saw this.

Andi and Bex:

"So Andi, his did the date go with Jonah Beck", Bex pestered Andi trying to get details about the date.

"It went fine. It was just a date and we just did the normal date things. Sorry I am going to my room now. I'm tired.", Andi said to her mother with obvious distress in her voice, but Bex knew not to prod.

Narrator POV:

Andi quickly ran to her room, humping face first on her pillow. She was so mad yet so happy at Jonah. She finally got him to agree to sit with her at lunch, but he doesn't want them to seem "permanent". She is so confused and just want to talk to Cyrus and Buffy. They are both texting her constantly asking about how it went, so she decides just to do a group face time.


"How'd it go Andi?", Cyrus and Buffy say in unison.

"I have no idea. He said thay he didn't want to call us boyfriend and girlfriend because that seemed too "permanent". What does that even mean!! On the upside, I at least got him to sit with us at lunch.", Andi explained to them. Cyrus got noticeably more happy with this information.

"What a jerk!! Do you need me to kick him in the face?", threatened Buffy yo Jonah's safety.

"No Buffy haha. We will work this out. I am just kind of sad because I expected an amazing date and it just kind of blew up in my face."

Narrator POV:

They continued on their face time long into the night discussing the Jonah situation in its entirety as well as what they should do over the weekend. In the middle of the call Cyrus fell asleep and ended up getting disconnected. Soon after that Buffy followed what he did. That left just Andi, alone with just her thoughts, not knowing what to do.

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