Chapter 8:The Aftermath

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Jonah POV:

Cyrus and I just have been talking for hours now at this point. It's really refreshing being able to talk about my problems with Andi and just things I want to talk about in general. As we talked time had passed extremely quickly and little did I realise how late it was until I looked at the clock. Thinking back, I was tired but just ignored it to not disappoint Cyrus by going to bed so early. I couldn't stay awake much longer, so I finally broke and asked Cyrus if we could sleep.

He led me upstairs to his room. When I walked on I was shocked at it. It didn't look like someone lived in it, but was a place to only be viewed as if it was a museum. His bookshelves were perfectly organized. They weren't covered by random items, but were actually covered in books. The books were alphabetically sorted, starting with numbers and ending with the letter Z. It really was a sight to behold.

After looking around his room a second bed wasn't in my view. I immediately assumed we were going to share the bed which honestly didn't bother, but I still asked where I was going to sleep just to confirm my thoughts. He actually had an air mattress that he pulled out that he was actually going to sleep on, giving me the bed for the night.

I was happy to get the bed so I made a comment about what I was thinking before. I said that I was happy we weren't sharing the bed because that would be "gay". I thought he would laugh at it and know I was joking as I really didn't care if we shared the bed. Instead of laughing he stared at me and asked "What do you mean by that?".

Cyrus and Jonah:

"What do you mean by that?"


"Jonah. What did you mean by that?", Cyrus repeats getting obviously angrier.

"I didn't mean anything by it Cy-Guy. It was just a joke."

"You shouldn't joke like that. People could get hurt by things like that.", Cyrus said to Jonah. He couldn't understand why Jonah would say that.

"I'm sorry A-are you... You know-"

"No. I am not.", Cyrus said as he bit his bottom.

"Okay. If you are that's fine. I'm sorry for what I said.", Jonah apologizes, surprised at the reaction Cyrus gave.

"Yeah, well let go to sleep. See you in the morning.", Cyrus responded, with little emotion.


Narrator POV:

Jonah fell asleep pretty quickly, but still felt horrible. Cyrus on the other hand couldn't sleep. He knew Jonah didn't mean harm, but still. He had heard people at school use gay in a bad term, but he didn't expect that from his friends. Jonah really disappointed him.

Cyrus did eventually fall asleep, but was woken up after a few hours which felt like a few minutes. They didn't mention the incident and just continued to talk about ultimate frisbee and a little bit about their rankings of the star wars movies. Cyrus couldn't help but love how dorky Jonah was, even though he was still upset with Jonah.

They continued to act cordial until it was time for Jonah to leave. Once he left, Cyrus jumped on his bed and screamed into his pillow. He should hate Jonah but he really doesn't. He shouldn't like Jonah, but he does. He needs a way to relieve his stress. There is one place he does when he feels horrible, the swings.

Swinging makes Cyrus feel better. Most of the pain Cyrus has felt was released at these swings. Singing to himself while swinging is extremely therapeutic to him. It's something no one knows about him.

Cyrus arrived at the swings and started to do his normal thing. While humming and swinging he usually just closed his eyes. This time was different thought, he was crying. He felt horrible for how he was feeling and for forgiving Jonah. He sat there crying until he heard someone walk up next to him and start swinging. Cyrus didn't look over and stopped singing.

They just sat there swinging in silence for a good 10 minutes. Cyrus held back his tears for this ten minutes until he couldn't anymore. The person next to him stopped swinging and walked away, or so Cyrus thought. As he cried he felt two long arms reach around his body and grasp him. The arms were smooth, but still had hair on them. The person smelt of cinnamon and sweat, a surprisingly relaxing combo of smells. Cyrus didn't look behind him for the entire embrace. He just cried as he was comforted by the unseen person.

Cyrus was embarrassed that someone was doing this and seeing him so vulnerable, but he didn't care. The comfort was nice and relaxed Cyrus. The arms held him until he stopped crying. The arms let go of Cyrus and the person who the arms belonged spoke to Cyrus.

"I will be here if you need me"

The voice sounded familiar, but he didn't know who it was. Curious after that, he looked behind him to see that the person was already gone. He started to leave the park confused yet calmed as he ran into Buffy. He Hughes her and found out the basketball team was actually meeting to practice in the park and that she was late. He left her to go to practice and went home where he fell asleep and yet content.

Thank you for the almost 150 views!!! For some reason this story absolutely blew up these past 2 days. That is really comforting in these days trying to deal the fact that Andi Mack has been canceled :(. We need to push for the show to be picked up by abc. Thank you for reading and have a good day.

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