Chapter 11:Out and Coming

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Narrator POV:

After such an eventful Monday at school, it was shocking how uneventful Tuesday was. Everyone acted normal before school and at lunch. Looking at the group, you wouldn't be able to guess what went down over the past few days. Buffy seemed a lot more calm than yesterday and Andi didn't seem as bothered as she was before. Cyrus and Jonah ignored the obvious problem that plagued their friendship. Jonah ignored it because he would try to resolve it later, but Cyrus ignored it for a different reason. He just wanted the whole situation to be over. For him it was over, for Jonah it was still relevant. 

The school day was finally starting to finish up. With the bell ringing at the end of the final block, the day was done. The GHC and Jonah meet up soon after their classes end and begin to talk. Normally they would all go to the spoon and hang out, or Jonah and Andi would go while Cyrus and Buffy go off and do other things. As the conversation goes on, it's obvious people forgot about the plans made yesterday, at least to Andi.

GHC and Jonah:

"Sooo, I was thinking we could go see a movie after school today", Andi says as she stares into Jonah's eyes and plays with his arm.

"Andi, I told you yesterday. I am hanging with Cyrus after school today.", Jonah told Andi, in a frustrated tone. "Speaking of which.. Cyrus, we should probably head out!!!", Jonah yells over at Cyrus, who is talking gibberish to Buffy.

"Okay!!", Cyrus yells back. "Buffy I am so nervous. W-what do I do and talk about?"

"Just be casual Cyrus. Have fun and enjoy the time. Now go and hang out with Jonah.", Buffy tells Cyrus.

The two boys meet up and start to head off in a random direction.

"Do you know why Jonah has started to blow off hanging out with me to hang out with Cyrus instead?", Andi asks Buffy.

"I have no idea. I personally think it's good that they are hanging out more.", Buffy states knowing fully well that she lied.

"I am not. See you later Buffy. I need to ugh, do homework. Yeah, I have a lot of homework I have to do.", Andi says, obviously planning something

"Okay. See you tomorrow I guess. Goodluck with your homework.", Buffy tells Andi.

With this, both girls leave. Buffy heading towards home, while Buffy heads somewhere else.

Narrator POV:

Cyrus and Jonah hadn't discussed where they would be hanging out at or what they would be doing. Jonah was the one planning the whole thing, so him not even knowing what they would be doing was a problem. Jonah led Cyrus around town, acting like they were heading to a specific destination, when in reality Jonah was just wandering around trying to figure out where to hang.

After walking for like 10 minute,s Jonah decided that going to Yhe Spoon would be fine, so he led Cyrus to the spoon. They both walked into The Spoon and sat at the normal booth that the GHC sits at. As usual, they order some baby taters and some milkshakes.

Throughout the entire adventure through town, Andi followed Cyrus and Jonah. They just seemed to be wandering around aimlessly. She followed them everywhere, but eventually lost track of them. She decided that she would go home and change and then head to The Spoon to eat her feelings away.

Cyrus and Jonah:

"So Cy-Guy. How have you been enjoying school so far this week?"

"It has honestly been pretty good. The days have been going by extremely slowly though."

"Oh my god, you are so right. I thought I was going to die of old age today. Every class seemed to take so much longer than usual.", Jonah said in a very dramatic voice. "It's nice to hang out with you though. It has made this long day worth it."

Cyrus blushes at that comment. "I agree with you. So why did you invite me out today?", Cyrus asks.

"I just wanted to hang out with you and see how you are doing. I still feel bad after what I said at the sleepover.."

"Jonah, i told you that it's okay that you called something gay. Also, you are allowed to say gay. It's not a bad word. Just the way you used it wasn't the best way that it could've been used.", Cyrus explained.

"Also, I am sorry for assuming that you are gay.", Jonah says, whispering the word "gay".

Andi POV:

I walk up to the window of The Spoon to see Cyrus and Jonah sitting in the booth. I decide to not enter The Spoon, so I can watch what's happen even though I can't hear anything. Sight is enough for me, so not being able to hear is fine.

I notice how reserved and nervous Cyrus seems. I noticed that the he hadn't touched his chocolate milkshake. I notice how Jonah even didn't touch his milkshake. Most importantly, I see that no one had even layed a finger in the baby taters. Two orders of baby taters never last this long, let alone just one. I can tell something is up.

Cyrus and Jonah:

"Jonah it's fine that you thought I was gay. Actually...", Cyrus said, as tears stayed to buildup at the bottom of his eyes.

"Actually?", Jonah said, with clear confusion all over his face.

"Jonah... I am gay."

Hello everyone. This took around 2 more days to come out than I planned for it. It was originally like double the size, but I didn't like how it was written and I just didn't feel right. What the second half of this chapter would've been will be next chapter. I feel better knowing I am getting out a smaller than planned chapter, rather than no chapter. I might get the next one out earlier than the normal 2 days, but who knows. Thank you all for the reads and votes!!!

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