Chapter 4:Signing Up for a Bad Time

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Narrator POV:

It was the Monday morning after Jandi had their first date. Andi hadn't talked to Jonah all of the weekend since their date on Friday. The idea of seeing him made her extremely nervous. She wanted to avoid him at all cost which would be difficult for her since she got him to agree to sit with the GHC AT lunch. She was mad at herself but nothing could be done. She would just have to deal with it.

Cyrus on the other hand was extremely excited for Monday. First he was going to go with Buffy as she signed up for the Jefferson basketball team. They have no female team so she is having to try and join the male team. Cyrus would also be able to hang out with Jonah at lunch. It was going to be so amazing.

Cyrus, Buffy, and Marty POV:

"Aaannd done", Buffy said as she finished signing the sign up sheet for the basketball team.

"I'm going to feel so bad when I get on the team and you don't", Marty said to mess with Buffy.

"Oh yeah, well you're on. While you do whatever you do after school I am going to be practicing. Don't fall too far behind 11.5", Buffy said to Marty with a playful get competitive tone in her voice.

"Oohhh, you are back to calling me that name? Jokes on you, I like it now"

"Oh No! Let's leave, the team captain is on his way and I don't want him to meet us yet. I mean me.", Buffy exclaimed as she pulled her friends away from the sign-up sheet.

"Why do we have to leave? I doubt he's a bad guy?", Cyrus told Buffy, obviously confused.

"I have heard around that he things a girl joining the team is stupid and shouldn't be done. I would rather my first confrontation with him be in front of the coach at try outs.", Buffy explained to Cyrus.

"I am going to go an talk to some of my other friends now. Bye Cyrus, bye Buffy!!", Marty gelled as he walked away from the other two.

"When are try outs?", Cyrus asked Buffy.

"They are this Wednesday after school, so we won't be able to hang after school. That is unless you want to come and watch me try out?"

"I would love to be there. I will be the best support you will ever have!! Should I bring my vest?", Cyrus asked Buffy as he was getting more and more excited.

"No Cyrus. Not the vest. I love your vest but please not at try outs."

"Okay then. I guess I will just being it to your games once you get on the team."

Narrator POV:

Cyrus and Buffy realised that it was almost time for first period to start, so they both rushed in opposite directions. Their day would consist of 8 periods. 4 would occur before lunch and 4 would be after lunch. They did it this way so lunch would be in the middle of the day when everyone would be hungry.

Finally after the long 4 periods that have already occurred in the day, lunch came. First Buffy arrived at the GHC normal lunch table. Soon after her arrived Cyrus and Andi. Jonah was nowhere to be seen.

GHC and Jonah:

"Hey Buffy! Where's Jonah?", Cyrus asked.

"Hey both of you. I haven't seen him. I could care less either way though.", Buffy says to push the idea that she doesn't like Jonah.

"Hey everyone. How's it going.", Jonah said. Everyone just nodded to him.

"Nice to see you Jonah.", Andi said obviously being uncomfortable.

Cyrus then looks at Jonah,"Hey Jonah. Can we talk aver there for a second. I need to ask you something..."

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