Chapter 12: Unique

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Narrator POV:

"Jonah... I am gay."

Suddenly Jonah understood why Buffy asked him to talk with Cyrus. She couldn't tell him why it wasn't okay that he said those things to Cyrus. It wasn't her place to tell him, it was Cyrus'. With the realization, he understood how horrible Cyrus must have felt to hear the word used in a bad notation.

Cyrus and Jonah:

"Cyrus...", Jonah looked Cyrus in the eyes, seeing tears form.

"Sorry. I am going to go. Bye-", Cyrus voiced as he got up, but felt a tug st his shoulder.

"No. Stay. Thank you. Thank you for telling me that Cy. That must've been very difficult for you to tell me.", Jonah said, as a huge smile began to form at his lips, eventually taking over his whole face.

"R-really? You don't hate me. You're okay with me being like this, being-"

"Cyrus. There's nothing wrong with being gay. In fact it makes you more unique and colorful compared to others."

"I don't want to be unique!! I want be normal and like girls!! I just want to feel like I fit in."

After Cyrus spoke, Jonah pulled him into a hug. Time seemed to have been frozen and all wrong in the world suddenly disappeared. Cyrus' struggles seemed obsolete, nothing mattered but the present and that present was in Jonah's arms. Cyrus didn't feel anxious or nervous like he expected. He felt safe and at home in Jonah's grasp. Nothing could go wrong.

"Cyrus. You are no different in my eyes than you were 10 minutes ago. Everyone has some unique things about them. This just so happens to be one of your things. There's no reason to be ashamed Cyrus."

"Thank you Jonah, that really helped. Thanks for being... So cool about", Cyrus tells Jonah, letting out a sigh of relief at the idea that Jonah finally knows some of the truth. "So, did you really mean to take me here. It kind of felt like you were stalling. We literally passed The Spoon 2 times before you said that we were eating here."

"Yeah, about that. I really had no idea what we were going to do. This just seemed like the most relaxing of all of my ideas.", Jonah says as he starts to laugh.

"Not that I am not having fun here, but can leave here. For once I am not really feeling baby taters.", Cyrus mentions as he runs his stomach.

"Whatever you want to do is fine with me Cy-Guy."

"Let's get out of here then!", Cyrus says as they both get out if their seats and start to leave.

Jonah holds the door the door for Cyrus as Cyrus voices his ideas for hanging out. "So we could go to my house and, I don't know, read some Stat Wars books I have. Or, or we could watch some dinosaur documentaries."

"Both of those things sound amazing cyrus. What do we tell Andi if anything?", Jonah asks as he raps an arm around Cyrus.

"We tell her nothing Jonah. She can't know yet. I don't feel comfortable and don't want her to know for awhile, at least until I am more comfortable with it."

"Understandable. To the dinosaur dungeon we go!!", Jonah says, teasing Cyrus and causing him to blush.

The two boys then head to Cyrus' house.

Andi POV:

Cyrus seems to be getting more and more worked up. He suddenly just burst into tears for some reason. I don't know what they could be talking about. Cyrus seemed fine earlier, he didnt seem to be bothered at all. The more I see Cyrus cry, the more I feel bad for being slightly jealous. He seems to be trying to leave but Jonah stopped him. I am happy Jonah is there for Cyrus. Cyrus seems calmer than he was before. I am glad Jonah ditched me for Cyrus. Cyrus seems to have needed some time with one of his best frien-.

W-why is Cyrus hugging Jonah? Why is Jonah letting Cyrus hug him? Jonah will barely let me touch his arm, let alone hug him. Jonah is just trying to be supportive and be there for Cyrus, right? Cyrus seems to be all the way cakes down now and Jonah seems to be speaking with him. Oh no, they are on their way out of The Spoon! I have got to hide!

"So we could go to my house and, I don't know, read some Star Wars books I have. Or, or we could watch some dinosaur documentaries.", Cyrus says.

"Both of those things sound amazing cyrus. What do we tell Andi if anything?", Jonah aks.

"We tell her nothing Jonah. She can't know yet. I don't feel comfortable and don't want her to know for awhile, at least until I am more comfortable with it.", Cyrus responds.

"Understandable. To the dinosaur dungeon we go!!", Jonah exclaims.

What-what was that? What is Cyrus keeping from me? What are THEY keeping from me? Jonah seems so relaxed around Cyrus just now. He never is like thay for me. Jonah has been abandoning me for Cyrus. Are they? No. They couldn't be. I need to find out more. I need to find out what they are hiding.

Sorry that this is a short chapter. I want to write more, but I have procrastinated all of my english work the entire semester and have been working so hard on that. I am so sick of writing stuff right now. It was nice to write something fun again. Hopefully after next week I should get more consistent. Also, I cant believe we hit 300 reads and #1 on Jandi. I am not even halfway through with this story so we have a lot more to go. Thank you for reading and if you have any tips, please leave them below. PEACE

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