tHe ORDER OF things

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ok so my name is tempest heyo guys! this is my story of how things happen but first we must of learn of theorder of things? what does that mean, i do not know but it sounds fancy so i put as chapter title.

ok so my name is tEMPest. im 11 years old but i say am 16 because i need to be able to use discord. also i say i have girlfriend what i dont.

i was in school and it was a normal day. my teacher bunpunk was a jerk and also his assistent sciencecent was jerk too. ther were only a few kids in my first period class and most of them were complete jerks tbh except maybe one or two people. ok so i cant talk about all of them because my memory sucks but here they were:

camera chan aka mr guitierrez (spanish thing) aka valhalla. so i dont know if valhalla was a guy or a girl but either way they were pretty attractive. and thats under stating. but they were good at fighting i guess except bunpunk got triggered every time they messed around so they didnt mess around as much.

tiger leap aka unofficial, he was the youTUber guy who made shitty guides and also his theories suck because DIRECTOR IS JACKDAWS BROTHER YOU RETARD but anyway aside from that he was ok.

then there was me tempest but you already knew that.

ok ok so finally there was um, yeah yeah epic. no he wasnt actually epic he was just called epic. or elizabeth or whatever but i dont think he was transgender. this guy was basically the class clown and people liked him kind of, except no one wanted to tell him codes because reasons.

there were more kids but i dont remember because i have shit memory and i hit my head when i was a kid. maybe like 10 people. this class was small because it was a special ed. we were put there because we were considered to be inferior race and mentally challenged. with the exception of this one kid called troy who was complete ass; the rest of us werent actually dumb for the most part. we purposly got our selfes into this class because it was easier and we could have an excuse for messing around with scienpunk.

special ed class was first period, and teachers were scien/punk. then second pERIOD was a history of spying class. pretty boring except when the teacher showed us cool shit. i dunno the teachers real name but they went bye "cish shato". then third period was the loud class. it was fucking epic and we got to do explosives and c4. since i was a specialist i wasnt allowed to c4 but it still did grenades and guns and stuff like that. our teacher was called "dreadnought" and they were cool. i wish they could be my daddy. then in fourth period we had the um, wait this paragraph is too long let me start another one-

ok so fourth period was, you guessed it, stealth class. our teacher was again sciencecent and i was never the best at the class. i always hated class but since i was part hacker i was requried to do it. scien hated me and i hated him too. almost everyone else in class was inflitrator or technician. even the commandoes did better than me. but it was fine i guess. learning about hacking was cool but that was about it.

fifth period was final class. except i had no idea what it was. nothing happened in that class because the old teacher jackdaw had been fired or something before the year started. so we played on our phones all day doing nothing. so yeah that was it.

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