kiLLhouse baTTle royale

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so we went to the killing house to the battle royale. we were allowed to get a lot of shit except a sawblade. i got raider armor to move fsat as fuck boy, suppresed thumper main, up9 secondary, and two c4s, two micros and a proximit mine. pretty good right?

so the game started and phoenix desided to split up so we dont kill each other. friendly fire is not allowed but theres nothing to stop it in irl. that totally wont go wrong.

anyway i found a room by itself and i set it up. i put a micro in a random room and a micro to entrtance of this room. there was a proximity mine in the middle and a c4 by entrance. the room looked scary af and i dont see who would dare come in.

so i waited for like 5 minutes and no one came. i heard shots and shit around the rest of the kh and i wondered if my team were ok. anyway eventually i noticed someone come in, it was dreadnought. oh no he was literally the strongest explosion teacher.

i knew i had to get him down ASAP. i fired at him with my thump but he fired at the projectile with his f57 and it exploded in air. i activated c4 but it did nothing, he had EAGIS armor. he took his f57 and easily shot the proximity mine so it was useless.

i was shitting my pants and peeked out from behind my barricade, he noticed me. "hello, tempest" he said "i didnt think you would actually join pHoenix. it's a shame b/c i thought you were actually a good kid. even know kid i dont want to kill you. even if were on opposite sides and one side must win, ill go somewhere else and hope i dont run into you for the rest of the battle."

"WHAT iM noT weak! fight me RN im stronk!" i said

"really? how many medkits do you have on you?" he asked

oh fuck. i realized i thought too much about explosives and had 0 meds. if even 1 bullet hit me i was doomed. oh fuck. after that dreadnawed left and i remained terrorised and frozen in fear. i started licking the ground but it didnt help. then i tried picking at the concrete with my fingernails but my finger nail broke so  just stopped.

mean while other fights happened:

so jackdaw and kingfisher fighted each other. it was pretty close and epic except i missed the fight b/c i was still in that one room. in the end directore was too old and he was shot by jackdo and he died whoops. so that was that.

then there was epic vs cish. remember cish was on our side somehow. tbh epic didnt even care about fighting. i mean he just wanted to be an MLG gamer and drink mtn dew xD. anyway cish was kinda bad at fighting but he didnt even try. i mean he wasnt even wearing armor he just had a green suit and said he was gay.

despite that epic aka sHift actually PWNED cish a few times with his gOlD frame raven. however cish always healed with chocolate chip cookies so it took forever. eventually epic gave him a raisin cookie and cish ate it.

cish started moving around and shaking like WtF? suddenly a bunch of smoke came out of his mouth and fill room. when smoke wus gone there were like 10 cish'es in the room and they were all robots. wtf? it seems cish is a robot and oh yeah he can multiply. all the robot cishes pointed their guns at epic, fuck...

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