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me and jackdo went to the slaughter house. there he showed me around the place again. on the way i saw sparrow and she looked pissed at me. whoops? i mean she would not even talk to me. anyway jackdaw took me to the time machine thing. the time maching looked kind of sad tbh. i mean it looked like a (re) TARDIS except it was not bigger on the inside so it was tight. me and jackdaw got inside and for a sec i thought jackdaw was gay but that was just the machine.

"ok what the fuck are we doing?" i asked

"we dun going back in time kk"

"what date exactly?"

"to the day we shot up your school. except this time we will not fuck up and its gonna be epic. i look forward to this kid so, don't fuck up, Got it?"

"yeah yeah kk"

so we activated the machine except jackdaw had no idea how to use it. what the fuck? well anyway he got scared so i just pressed a bunch of buttons and levers. before i knew it we were ther. it was that same day and we were fine. only one problem tho, it was 8 30 am and school starts at 9.

"fuck" said jackdaw. he got on the car and we started driving. i'm pretty sure we were going over the speed limit but thats fine. anyway he managed to drive me to school just in time. when i got of there it was 8 58. man that was close. i hope no one saw jack do was driving me lol.

so i bet you dont remember my classes. its ok ill go over it again. 1st period was special ed with scienpunk/bUncent. second period was history with cish. 3th period was loud with dreadnought aka the savage teacher. 4rd period was stealth with sciencececent. and fifth period was supposd to be jackdaw but he got fired lol so we do nothing in that class. the shooting would happen in 3rd period. 

first period went like normal. it was even funnier the second time actually. bunpunk wasnt in class. epic told sci to fuck off, but he got detention the next day. troy and i started rofling except troy literally rolled on the floor laughing and was sent to the nurse. however one thing changed. for some reason sci noticed the evil look on my face. not that i like to describe myself as evil but, i mean that was pretty much it.

so sci had to have a talk with me. fuck, the timelines were diverging or whatever. would the shooting thing still go the same or no? i dont even know but anyway sci was like "Wtf is wrong with you?" and i was like "i dont know what you're talking about!" sci had no evidence i was doing something bad but, he looked at me weird for the rest of class.

this was a bad sign. i was suppose to go out on 3th period and help phoenix rekt the school, hack servers, etc. but with sci supervisision would be hard. and he was master hacker and stealther so its hard to out smart him. theres only one way to beat sci, i have to hack him.

as the bell rang i sneezed for some reason. this was the perfect chance. i acted like i was blinded and stumpled forward. i went towads sci and he was like "wtf?" but didnt think i was doing nothing bad. my hand touched his coat for a second before i moved away, he didnt even pay attention. but what he didnt realize is i put a tracker on his coat. now i could know where hes is. hahah take that sci! i am a better stealther than sci! is it stealther, stealth person, steath op? silent op? i dont even konw the name but i surpass scieneccent even if my speedrun time sux.

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