plz dont skip this

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hey gusy whats up welcome to the bEst Day- i mean welcome to the RunAwaY tEMPESt. this is a FILLER episode noone cares about but plz dont skip it ok? filler is still good kk plz dont click off

so next up unofficial and cam met each other. ok so some background needed here. unofficial is like, in love with cam but cam doesn't give a fuck. i mean unof doesnt even know cams gender cam is like that.

so unof was using a s97 supresed and he had microcam lockpick and a med. not the best loud loadout ever. meanwhile cam had aegis, 420 mcs, f57 and several meds plus grenades. basically unoficial didnt have a chance.

when cam was about to fire unof was like "omg plz dont cam! i love you, please!"

cam was annoyed like "you motherfucker you dont even know me, stop being anoying you peace of shit."

"ok but why are we even fighting?"

"uh, coz were enemies"

"no but, this is all about halcyon and phoenix. their fighting not us. why do we have to care about them?"

"well im in halcyon side and you're a betrayor so...."

"no but why do we have to be on a side. i mean, halcyon sucks ass and jackdaws mom is gay."

"you know what unof, ur actually right, for once" said cam. "lets team up for now and fuck shit up." so that was that for unof vs cam. and next was cosmic vs sparrow.

so we havent talked much about cosmic. hes one of the special ed kids XD lol dumb. wait im in that too nvm. anyway hes rarely in class, hes usually afk so we cant talk to him. he was here for once.

when sparrow saw him she was like "ur gonna die fucker." but he was like "wait brb i gotta eat" and he left. sparrow was like ok so she just waited. so he got his lunchbocks and legit just ate in the middle of the killhouse for like 20 minutes. so once he was back sparrow was like "ok its shooting time right?"

but he was like "hold on i gotta use the restroom." lolnoob theres no restroom in the killhouse. sparrow waited a few mins but he never came back so she decided to just search the kh and find some1 to shoot.

ok so the last fight was troy vs drunpunk. bun was drunk af and didnt know what to do. as for troy his fighting strength is kinda weird. he was a tough kid with a hard past but he was also kind of ass. troy only had a up9 since he was an og gangster and he had no mods either. meanwhile drunk had a fucking sawblade and

wait WTF? arent saw blade banned from kh? yeah but i guess drunkpunk didnt listen since he was, well drunk. so holy fuck he had an op weapon, but could he aim it? 

drunpunk saw troy kind of but could aim. he just shot bullets everywhere in auto hitting random things until he was out of ammo. his brain at this state was not capable of re-reloading so he decided to just drop the sawblade and leave the kill house. how do you leave? well he just climbed the wall and walked out. drun was out and troy won, kind of (?)

anyway troy picked up the saw. it was heavy AF but also op he had an advantage now. TO BE CONTINUED!!!1!

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