Untitled Part 69

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it was bunpunk. he was here oh my gosh. we didnt know if he was on our side or not. was he helping us or was he here to kill us? 

"bun what are you doing here?" asked dreadnought

"he's here, dread. him-" said bun scarily

we didn't know what the fuck he was talking about but it was enough to scare us. dreadnought seemed to know who he was talking about and he seemed scared too.

"we need to get outta here, it's not safe" said dreadnought.

"ok so here's the plan" said bun: "i'm taking the stealth kids with me to the camera operator room, and also cam for obvoius reasons. we're going to operate the room to defend the school"

"and i'll take the loud kids with me to the weapon storage" said dreadnought.

the kids organized into two groups, either loud or stealth. they all knew where to go. but since i was part loud and part stealth i had no idea. i hesitated for a bit but then joined loud kids and followed dreadnawed. he was the best teacher and i was sticking with him.

we got to the storage room quickly and dread started handing out guns. i told him to give me a sawblade. he said no but i took one anyway only to realize it was heavy AF, so i put it back. dread gave me a ch-a. it was still heavy but it was better than a freaking sawblade, right?

after he gave us all guns we were ready to face attackers. i mean, there were attackers, right? well i dont even know what the fuck had happened in the school or who bun was talking about. we were in the weapon storage room, dread me and about 15-20 students. we had guns too but what the fuck were we supposed to do with them? who was the threat what was going on?

i didnt get an answer to any questions. suddenly we heard loud footsteps and a window opening. half the class had shit its pants during the bunpunk thing and those who didnt were doing it now. like no seriously, i was literally about to shit my pants. so i ran off to find the nearest restroom.

dread was pissed and yelled for me to come back but i didnt listen. then a student yelled "YOU RETARD THERES A RESTROOM IN THE WEAPON ROOM!" realising i was indeed a retard i decided to run back. but suddenly, someone from the side hallway threw a flashbang. it landed between the weapons storing room and the place i was at. in a panic i ran in the opposite direction and hided in the nearest restoom.

what was that? someone from the outside was attacking and preventing me from going back. there was some bad dude in the building and they were after me. well i didnt give a shit. i decided to finish using the restroom so i did. i went in a stall and started doing business. suddenly i heard footsteps, there was someone else in the restroom. holy shit. but i decided to finish crapping before leaving the stall.

when i did i saw the stall next to mine was ocupied. someone was there but i mean why should i bother them. so i just stood there waiting for about a minute. hearing the other person pee was weird since i had no idea who it was. once they left i saw who it was. it was a girl. well, a young woman anyway, maybe like 20 or something. she had blue hair, shades, and she was hot. also she was carrying a fucking RAVEN, but she was hot.

i looked around and there were no urinals. it was only then i realised this was the girls bathroom. fuck. but at least she was hot.

"hi i'm sparrow" she said


she then opened her backpack and gave me a donut. i took it and ate it but i was like wtf?

"uh why are you helping me? ur the bad dude right? or i mean, the bad lady or whatever. ur attacking my school, not that i like school but i mean, i go to class and uh, yeah" i said

"is that a way to talk to ur evac?" she said. she took my hand and walked away from the restroom towards the school. "ok kid. i'm getting you out of here before halcyon gets to you. theres someone you need to meet."

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