the ghei butterfly affect

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second period was gonna be boring. i already knew that and i remembered this same day in the past, that i was asleep. but this time i wasnt tired and the class content was weird o3o. cish looked kind of serious. not serious serious but, as serious as cish could be.

he said he was going to teach us about jack do and what happened between us and the school. i felt kinda bad because i was in phoenix and stuff (whoops?) but tbh he never told me much about him or phoenix. so i decided to listen.

so basically jackdaw and director aka kingfisher were brother (XD I KNow the codes noob. plz tell withdrawal code i can do stealth deposit kk thanks). and director was principal of school and jackdaw was teacher. so basically jackdaws class was supposedly to be about safety. we were supposed to learn about drugs and smoking and all that stuff in the crime world, but obviously we didnt take that stuff in class. basically we were taught about how to get rich of off drug trafiking without becoming a stoner who cant even be a spy anymore. jackdaw was actually kind of strict about kids not doing drugs in class it pissed him off.

but also jackdaw wanted directors job. why cant he be the school principle like director?! well he decided he would take by force. on 4/20 day he gave the kids in his class weed. nothing bad happened yet and the kids liked it but when class ended and kids started to left, the teachers noticed. i mean it was really obvious they were like really slow, red eyes, etc. director got pissed and jackdaw was on probation.

so on the next day jackdaw decided this is it. fuck you motherfucker im gonna do a coup to take over halcyon and im having mexico pay for it, i mean, im having the students pay for it. so he gave his kids drugs that made them fight for him. they were like literally fucking zombies, for the rest of the day at least. also these were not just kids, they were E-1337, gorilla warfare-trained, pro 360 quickscope agents. being basically robot zombies under jackdaws control b/c drugs they pretty much took over the school. 

eventually though the kids were so stoned they collapsed. what an army. so jackdaw had to get his ass out of there and no one in halcyon ever saw him again. after that the school was fine. that happened a few years ago before i got to school.

wow cish's lesson was actually decent? i only fell asleep for like a third of it so not bad. anyway at the end of class cish was like "if anyone sees jackdaw tell me asap or else you get banned from sw global"

so i was like "pfft no one plays sw global anyway its overpriced garbage" cish looked at me weird but said nothing. then he got a cookie out of his cookie jar. jokes on him though, half way through class i switched the chocolate chip with raising cookies. lmao rip cish.

but seriously tho wtf? this new timeline or whatever was so different. i was supposed to NOT FUCK UP™ but this only seemed worse and i couldnt time travel again. what made it so different tho? i had no idea but, OH HOLY SHIT thats the tardy bell, i'm late to third period, gotta go fast and hope dont get in trouble.

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