when you fuck up bad

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yeah so, me and the girl had some fun that night. nothing illegal of course, i think. i mean, it was mostly just dirty talk so yeah. we were in that room for a while. sUddenly everything changed though.

it was 9 pm. i remembered about halcyon and everything. were they ok? and about sparrow. i hadn't told my bitch about sparrow. and what about phoenix? i had no idea but i knew it would not be long before i was rekt by the police and/or pheonix. then suddenly i heard footsteps. i was like holy shit. i turned off the lights and pretended not to be there like the room was empty.

my bitch didnt know about this stuff but she just played along i guess. anyway the foot steps approached the doors and there was a knock. "there's no one here!" i yelled

"you fucking retard," she whispered to me. fuck, she was right.

"if you don't let me in, i will let myself in," said a deep voice. i recognized the voice. it was the same person from the bank on the phone. then i recognized it again. it was also jackdaw. oh fuck. what was he doing here?

realising who this was i opened the door. he came in and closed door behind him. he turned on the lights. then he noticed my bitch and they looked at each other. jackdaw stared at her for a bit because he knew she was hot. but he had something important to do so he tried to ignroe her. "sparrow's hotter" he said under his breath.

"anyway, kid" he said. "you fucked up. and when i say you fucked up, i mean you REALLY fucked up. your little trick got the cops to come early and got all of halcyon captured. normally that would be good, except no, because we needed halcyon to survive for a bit longer to carry out our plans. you were supposed to be our spy on that school, but now the school is inactive. likely an automatic halcyon robot or whatever self-destructed the school to hide the evidence."

"oh fuck," i said.

"yeah oh fuck" he repeated "but luckily for you theres still one more trick. i have a time machine we can use which can take you back in time and allow you to NOT do this shit again. once you time travel only i the creator of it, and you the traveler will keep our rememories. you get ONE shot at this kid. don't FUCK IT UP. AGAIN. understOOD?"

"yeah yeah" i said

"ok, the thing's in the killing house, it will be done quickly"

"WAIT!" i said

i went to my bitch who was confused AF. i wanted to see her again in the future timeline, so i could return to her like a Bictorious hero like in the movies.  i asked her what her name was. as she was about to speak, jackdaw took out his supressed thumper and fired at her. "NO YOU KILLED HER!" i yelled.

"you fucking retard, did you forget we are time traveling?" he said. he was right, she would be alive again once i went back. but since i didn't know her name i wont see her again. #i cry

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