welcome to pheonix

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me and sparrow finished the helichopper trip. eventually we were at this one house thingy. well its kinda hard to describe. but there was this gray thing with walls, except it was surrounded by another thing so it was roofed. i think sparow called it the killing house. yeah yeah the killing house.

went went there got off and the place was pretty cool. there were a bunch of pheonix operatives inside and even a cam thing which was cool. and guns too. and explosives. sparrow say "hi welcome to pheonix. this is phoenixes secret base. its called the kill house"

there i got to meet jack daw. he was pretty cool tbh and his eyepatch was sick. so yeah he was pretty nice although he was kind of a jerk too. he was like "hey kid you're not that good" and i wasl ike WTF yes i am! so yeah i didnt talk to jackdaw much. he was kind of scary but he was cool and smart and stuff so yeah. 

we had lunch (or was it dinner? dunno it was like 3 in the afternoon) and it was good. i got to eat with sparrow although she didn't talk.

finally jack daw had to talk to me. it was serious he said. he explained his plan and everything. he said he was supposed to be our 5th period teacher except he was fired supposedly for being a betrayor. but he says he's innocent so i believe him. he said his organization phoenix was behind the attack on school. there was no real fighting except for a certain halcyon kid who got rekt (aka troy) but aside from that phoenix didnt fight halcyon. however they managed to scare the shcool which was the goal. and they got a new recruit who is me, so thats a plus.

the next day i went back to school. why you ask? well jack daw told me to pretend nothing happened because halcyon didnt know. so i could be a double agent for pheonix. in first period science was there and bun was back. they were both pissed after last class especially sci. in beginning of class they both talked about yesterday and i learned about how halcyon called in special ops to find attackers were gone and everyone was safe. ik that sounds boring but the way bun said it it sounded exciting which was cool. i did feel kinda guilty tho because i kept secret of phoenix and all that.

but then suddenly sci got pissed at me. he was like "TEMPEST!!!!" and i was thinking like "oh no, he knows! how does he know about phoenix, did troy tattle tale? no no no way" i was scared as fuck. this was it. this was the end of me. this wasnt a simple school suspencion no, halcyon was going to take me out. i thought i was done for.

"IT WASNT MY FAULT!" i yelled

"OH REALLY?" said sci. "then WHY werent u at DETENTION yesterday?"

i was relieved. yeah i was still in trouble because, apparently detention still happened and i forgot about it. but at least he didnt know about phoenix. my excuse was that i was in the bathroom when everything happened which was half true but not really. so we talked about that and he was nice enough to re schedule the detention to today. only he didnt remember that EPIC had detention that day too lmao fucking retard. for once i looked forward to detention.

toward the end of class, epic told sci to fuck off. sci was so pissed already he didnt even react. so that was it for first period.

in second period cish was the only teacher who looked ok. his class was pretty boring but at least he was nice. however in the end he said next class we were talking about the history of phoenix. this scared me and i had a wierd look on my face. cish noticed me and i got even more scared but neither of us said nothing.

then it was third period. dreadnought looked at me weird which was wierd. but class went like normal. until suddenly speaker said "we need tempest to go to the front office. tEMPeSt to front office k"

so i did. and i went. when i got to the front office the doors closed behind me. there were only 3 people in that room and no one from outside could see. there was me. troy, who had not been in class. and then there was jackdaw.

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