Chapter 8~ Trouble

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Time Skip to the next day

Dark's POV

I spent the morning trying to figure out what to wear on my date with Melody. Come on, Dark, you are going out with the Crown Princess of Transmonia, you need to look your best. After tearing through Mark's closet and deciding that he had nothing suitable to wear on a date of such magnitude, I did something I never thought I'd do. I had to ask Anti for help. Sighing, I made my way to the guest room and knocked. He answered the door, confused.

"I need your help," I asked, the words revolting me to my core.

"You need my help?" He asked, gaining his signature Cheshire smile.

"Yes! Please, help me? I have to look perfect for her."

"You do realize that Melody doesn't care about clothes or anything superficial like that, right?"

"What are you talking about? She's a princess-"

"Yeah, a princess who admitted to murder and torture. Just go with something casual. And another thing, you're meeting her at the park. It would be weird if you showed up in something classy, especially if you're trying to keep up the 'Mark' persona."

"You have a good point. Fine, then will you help me find a good balance? Something that says 'I put in an effort' but also something casual?"

"You really are desperate, aren't you?" Anti laughed.

"Yes! I thought I made that clear."

"You're acting like a girl."

"What, because I care about my appearance?"

"Yes. Now come on, let the expert in 'casual' learn you a few things," Anti said, dragging me back to my room. He went through the closet and selected a pair of jeans that were such a dark blue that in certain lights they looked black, and he paired it with a black t-shirt and maroon and dark grey flannel with some tiny black lines.

"Here ya go. Now go wow her," Anti said, patting my shoulder a few times before leaving me be. How did I not see this? This is actually perfect. I put the outfit on the bed before showering. Once I got out of the shower, I spent extra time trying to make my hair cooperate. Much to my dismay, it didn't. I growled in annoyance, and eventually gave up. Vanity is no reason to be late, Dark. It will have to do. I left the bathroom and dried off before sitting on the bed and pulling on my clothes. After some finishing touches, i.e. trying one last time to fix my hair, I was off. I found her on a park bench, playing on her phone. She's early. Interesting. I took a moment to observe her more closely. She was wearing a deep maroon v-neck and black skinny jeans and some combat boots. I walked up to her, noticing the same necklace she had worn the night we met her. Now that I thought about it, she had been wearing it yesterday as well. It seemed that she always wore it. I wonder what's so special about it?

I shook off the thoughts and approached her.

"Hey! You're right on time!" I said, gaining her attention.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I mean we never said where specifically we were going to meet, and I wanted time to sniff you out if I had too," She said, looking down.

"That doesn't sound creepy at all."

"I've said creepier things, believe me. Now, what shall we do on this gorgeous L.A. day?"

"Well, you're a fan of the woods, right? Why don't we search for an adventure there?" I suggested.

"I like the way you think. Come on," She grinned, grabbing my hand and leading me deep into the forest.

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