Chapter 15~ Together

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Melody's POV

I panted heavily after that thorough fucking, snuggling up to both of my boys. They were panting too, holding onto me tightly, as if I'd disappear if they didn't. Not that I minded, I loved being held especially after sex like that.

"So..." I started, still finding it hard to breathe.

"So..." Anti repeated, watching my face intently.

"What now?" I asked.

"You sleep, safe and sound in our arms," Dark answered, snuggling closer.

"As amazing as that sounds, that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" Anti asked.

"I meant for us. What now for us?"

"Well, that depends..." Dark started.

"On what?" I asked, scared of where this was going. I flipped over so that Anti was spooning me and I was face to face with Dark.

"You really like me, right?" Dark continued.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"And you really like Anti."

"Again, yeah..."

"And you want both of us. I think the words you thought were 'The thought of one of them leaving ripped a hole into my soul, caused me more pain than anything I had ever experienced.' So I have a possible solution."

"How did you know I thought that?" I asked, surprised.

"I have my ways Kitten," He winked, sending butterflies to my stomach.

"Stalker," I grumbled, causing both of them to laugh. "Don't laugh at me!"

"Sorry, Bunny. You're just so funny," Anti said, nuzzling into my neck, making my heart beat a million beats a minute.

"Anyway, as I was saying, I have a possible solution to our little conundrum," Dark said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"And what could that possibly be?" I asked.

"Polygamy," He said simply.

"Polygamy," I repeated, shocked.

"Polygamy," He confirmed.

"Isn't that usually one guy and multiple girls? Isn't that technically cheating?" Anti asked. I had to admit, he had a point.

"Polygamists usually have one male partner and multiple female partners, yes, but it doesn't have to be that way. And as long as all partners know about all other partners, it's not cheating," Dark explained.

"But do we have to call it polygamy?" Anti asked.

"Wait, slow down. Are you saying you'd be ok with being in a polygamous relationship?" I asked, my head spinning. I had spent all this time thinking I'd have to choose between them, it had never occurred to me that I could technically have both. And Gods, did I want both.

"As long as it's just the three of us, I wouldn't mind sharing you," Anti answered, rubbing my side.

"Agreed," Dark replied.

"And you're serious? You're not fucking with me?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around it.

"Sweetheart, we just fucked. Try to keep up please," Dark said. I deadpanned.

"Not what I said, nor what I meant and you know it."

"I know," He chuckled.

"And yes, we're serious about this, about you. But seriously, can we not call it polygamy?" Anti asked.

"What else would we call it?" Dark asked.

"A thruple?" I suggested, looking over my shoulder at Anti.

"It's better, I guess," He agreed.

"For better or for worse," I smiled. My wolf within rumbled with pleasure and happiness and in turn, I did the same. Out loud.

"Did you just purr?" Anti asked, laughing.

"No," I said a little too quickly.

"Yes, you did. You purred, Kitten," Dark grinned and I buried my face in the pillow.

"Awww, look at her Dark! We're embarrassing her," Anti giggled, rubbing my back.

"Poor Kitten," Dark mocked me. I moved my face, glaring at him.

"I will sic Binx on you and he will eat your face. Careful," I warned.

"You're familiar doesn't scare me."

"He should. It doesn't take much for him to recruit Jinx and together they're super strong. And protective. Watch yourself." I felt my eyes glow, something I did to make myself seem scarier even though I had no intention of carrying out my threat. But my glowing eyes faulted when I started feeling a tingling sensation on my bare neck. I narrowed my eyes in confusion, slapping a hand to the spot and feeling nothing.

"What the Hell?" I whispered, even more confused.

"What's wrong, Mel?" Anti asked, concerned.

"The side of my neck feels weird. Tingly," I answered. I hopped out of bed and created a long mirror before releasing the spell that hid my Wolves Mark. I looked into the mirror, seeing the familiar line of inky black Marks on my back. I moved, seeing the Marks move down my left side, no farther than my belly button, and then I turned for a full frontal view where the Marks went across my chest, just above my boobs. But that's when I noticed new Marks. Now they ended crawling up my neck.

"I have new Marks..." I said, shocked.

"Come here, Kitten. Let us see you," Dark said, and I obeyed getting rid of the mirror.

"You're so beautiful," Anti breathed, tracing as much of my Marks as he could reach.

"Maybe we won't be a thruple. Not if you've found your Mate," Dark said, disappointment in his voice. I looked down, pain rocketing through me. And then I noticed something strange on both boys arms.

"I don't think we have a choice," I said, pointing out both of their new Marks that were the inverse of my own. They were only as long as each man's forearm, but there was no mistaking that both of them were mine forever, and I was theirs.

"Is that even possible?" Anti asked.

"I've never heard of a werewolf having multiple mates," Dark said, confused.

"Neither have I, but the Marks don't lie. And it would explain why it felt like my soul was ripping when I thought about losing one of you."

"Together forever? All of us?" Anti asked, and I nodded starting to smile.

"Together," I said, holding his hand. "Forever," I finished, grabbing one of Dark's.

"Get some sleep, Kitten. We'll be right here when you wake up. I promise."

"You better. Or I'm hunting you down," I said, situating myself to spoon with Dark while laying my head on Anti's chest.

"Sounds like fun," Anti winked and I giggled. It didn't take me long to fall asleep in the arms of both of my Demons, where I was safe, loved, and happy.

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