Chapter 23~ Hyperfocused

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Adrian's POV

Sparrow had forced Melody off the planet and back on Earth to relax. I couldn't say I didn't understand, if something was blocking me from seeing Jagger all the time, I'd be just as worried. And I had met Dark and Anti and even though they were Demons they seemed to genuinely love her. And it was clear she loved them.

After hours of searching, I finally found a spell. I was going to need Transmonian herbs for a potion and a pentagram as well as chanting. Oh boy. I closed the book and made my way to melody's house just as she walked through the door.

"Adi! Did you find anything?"

"Yes. A ritual, potion, and chant that need to be combined."

"Ok, what's the problem? Those things are easily available to us."

"Yes, but it has to be done in the light of the full moon. That's the problem." Her eyes widened.

"I can hold out shifting if it means separating my boys. But the full moon is in a week. We don't have much time to prepare all that. How long does the potion take to brew?"

"Six days. Cutting it a bit close."

"Then we have to get started right away," Melody said and I nodded.

"let's head over to A Taste of Home. While we need Transmonian herbs, I'm sure the Human equivalent will be fine."

"Besides, the Hosts are Human, not Transmonian and these kids of spells are complex. We don't want anybody getting hurt in the process," She agreed. We made it to the shop and I opened the book and started reading from it.

"Ok, we need 66 grams of ground eucalyptus, 13 feverfew buds, 6 mandrake leaves, 13 mugwort leaves, 31 pieces of sage, 6 clusters of wormwood and 666 milligrams of ground aconite. Times all that by 2 because we need to make a double batch. We also need a teaspoon of honey, a bit of mud and eventually the Host's and the Demon's blood," I read off.

"Aconite? We need Wolf's Bane? Adi, I can't touch that. Not 666 milligrams of it. That's too much."

"How far are you with creating a tolerance?" I asked.

"I've only managed to get up to 17 milligrams. That is way above my tolerance level," Melody said, clearly upset.

"You don't have to ingest the aconite, Mel. You just have to add it to the mix. You should be able to touch it, right?"

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. When do you add the blood? Should I get Mark and Jack over here?"

"If you wouldn't mind," I smiled as we got to work. Soon, the much more alive versions of the men I had met months ago entered my tiny shop.

"You two must be Mark and Jack. Nice to meet you, I'm Adrian, but feel free to call me Adi," I smiled at them.

"Hi, Adrian, I'm Mark. So Melody mentioned something about needing our blood?" Mark said, looking a bit uneasy.

"Yeah, we don't need more than 6 fluid ounces from each of you," Melody answered, coming from outback with two small bowls.

"And this spell or potion or whatever is going to separate us from Dark and Anti?" Jack asked.

"That's the hope. We've never had to separate Demons form people while trying not to kill anybody in the process so we don't know if this will work," I said honestly.

"Well, we'll give it a try. Come on, Mel. Bleed us dry!" Mark said and she chuckled.

"It's less than half a pint," She told him. "And when I'm done bleeding you, I'm going to need Dark and Anti so I can bleed them too. I promise you'll get your bodies back today." She began collecting the blood from Dark first before healing the small incision before working on Jack. Once Mark was done, his demeanor changed; gone was the goofy, lovable teddy bear and here was the sinister, broody, totally in love with my sister Demon. He had a look in his eye and went to slap her ass before she spoke.

"If you swat my ass while I'm taking blood, I swear to God I'll separate you only to kill you myself," She growled, eyes never leaving her task.

"Yes ma'am," He said lowering his hand. "Why am I here though? Mark said you needed me?"

"I need a part of you, and no it's not the part your thinking. I need 6 fluid ounces for your blood and then I don't need you till this weekend when we finally have a complex spell to try to separate you." She cleaned off the wound before healing it before turning to the Demon.

"Arm please," She smiled at him and it was obvious she was just as in love with him as he was with her. He complied and she added his blood to Mark's. She handed me the bowl and I swirled it a few times, making sure the blood was as thoroughly mixed as possible. She healed the Demon before kissing him swiftly before her eyes went to the other Demon who had somehow taken control without anyone noticing.

"Your turn. Arm please," Melody smiled.

"Why? And what's with all the blood?"

"Anti, give her your damn arm," Dark said, annoyed.

"But why?"

"Because I've finally come to collect what happened all those months ago," Melody said and he complied fast. She chuckled, taking the blood she needed before healing him, kissing him and ruffling his hair.

"I don't need it for that. I forgave you while it was happening but I do need the blood to try and separate you. Now change back, I'll see you on Saturday." He pouted before both Demons retreated, leaving the Humans in their wake.

"It's the same day, just as I promised," Melody laughed and both boys relaxed. We finished mixing the potion and all that was left was to simmer it.

"Ok, we just need this to simmer for 6 days and we shall be all set," I smiled.

"Awesome. See you later, Mel," Mark grinned before he and Jack left.

Melody's POV

I spent every day for the next six days watching the potion. It's all I could think about. I only left for food, bathroom breaks or to work a shift at Spirited Moon but other than that, I was here. Watching the mess of herbs, honey, and blood.

"Melody are you still here?" Harmony asked, finding me outback, starting at the heated cauldron.

"It's my one shot at separating them. We couldn't find anything else," I said, meeting my sister's eyes.

"Well, it'll be fine locked up in here, alone until tomorrow. But did you forget what today is?"

"Umm... yes..?"

"It's our birthday, Melodonna! Let's go, you are going to the party," She said grabbing my wrist and sending us through a portal to Transmonia.

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