Chapter 18~ The Host

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Melody's POV

Months had passed, and Dark, Anti and I had fallen into a good routine between Dominants and Submissive life and a normal happy relationship life. I trusted my boys more than anything, and I knew they trusted me. It was everything else they don't trust. Things had settled down between Gabe and my boys. But as Dark and Anti were Demons, they had hosts, and I had never met them. Which is how we found ourselves on the couch, me laying in both of their laps.

"Babe?" I asked, and both of them perked up.

"Yes, amica mea?" Dark answered.

"Why have I never met your hosts?" I asked. Neither man said anything for a minute.

"Well... because..." Dark tried to answer but couldn't find the words.

"Because we're selfish and want you to ourselves and our hosts would try to turn you against us and take you from us," Anti said, not skipping a beat.

"But I wanna know where your personalities originate. And nothing on Earth or any other planet or plane of existence could ever turn me against you two. I love you both with all that I am." Dark and Anti shared a look before nodding in agreement.

"When you wake up tomorrow, Anti and I won't be in control of Sean or Mark, but we'll stay in the back of their minds in case they try anything. But they'll only have control for 24 hours and then we're taking back control. But until then, let's just enjoy our time, ok?" Dark said.

"Are you two sure? I don't want you to do something you're not comfortable with," I said, sitting up.

"We're sure, Bunny," Anti smiled softly, leaving me to my thoughts.

I had to admit, I thought it'd be harder to convince my boys to let me meet their hosts. But that's not to say I wasn't super happy that they'd given in. I knew they hated pretending to be their hosts, recording videos for them so nobody would be the wiser that Markiplier and Jacksepticeye weren't... available. I was hoping to be able to convince Anti and Dark to give Mark and Sean their bodies for at least four days a week, and holidays and birthdays and such. I also knew that it was going to be difficult. Both Anti and Dark were incredibly territorial of me and that had only gotten worse over time. But it wasn't like I was a saint either, anytime a girl so much as looked at one of my boys too long, I could feel myself start to shift in pure hatred. It was worse when a girl was ballsy enough to flirt with one of them. That usually resulted in at least a black eye for her and I was usually dragged away. It took two fully grown Demons to drag me off the poor girl, and even then they had trouble. I didn't care, they were mine and no skank was taking what was mine from me. It also took forever to calm any one of us down once we were riled up and that usually resulted in rough sex. But I loved my life with my boys. Dark was protective, but he did it in a way that wasn't suffocating and he was so sexy, no matter what he did. Even if he did the dishes, I couldn't help but lean against the wall and shamelessly check him out. He was usually calm and collected, and watchful. He always seemed to know what I wanted before I did.

Anti was different. He was full of life and energy, always the life of my party. He was usually the one to scare people away from me with his maniacal laugh and that glint in his eyes that told me he was down to kill the dumbass who flirted with me. Despite that, he always asked before he did anything to me. Even the lightest kiss to my forehead was met with a pleading look in his eyes. He was scared to hurt me again. I don't think he ever forgave himself for that incident. His careful and sweet behaviors toward me turned me on just as easily as Dark did. It was a clear tie between the two; there is no way in Heaven or Hell that'd I'd ever be able to choose between them. And I was so glad for it.

"Where did you go, Kitten?" Dark asked, his voice soft.

"Deep into my mess of a head. Wanna come along?"

"Your head isn't a mess, Kitten. It's beautiful and thoughtful and smart. And so unbelievably sexy..." He purred.

"Yeah, and it both goes a million miles a minute and not at all. I can't keep most facts straight and I'm easily confused. That's real attractive, Dark."

"I like the unpredictability of it. It's probably where your love of adventure comes from and it helps you think outside the box. And that is sexy."

"He's right, Bunny. And without that gorgeous head of yours, you wouldn't have such a wonderful personality, or be able to remember anything. It helps make you as perfect as you are," Anti agreed and I blushed.

"You two always know just what to say, don't you?" I asked, still red in the face.

"You should know how special you are to us, Love. You mean everything to us," Dark said, using his hooked finger under my chin so he could stare lovingly into my eyes.

"Everything?" I asked, fluttering my eyes. I knew that drove him crazy, and I wanted to tease him a bit.

"Everything," He assured me, kissing my nose. I giggled. I love it when they did that. I had no idea why, but the loving gesture gave me butterflies in my stomach and made my heart pound.

"Dark, you're going to rile her up," Anti warned. He was right, I had a bit of energy which was surprising considering I didn't work tonight and I hadn't napped today.

"Maybe that was the plan?" Dark questioned, not taking his eyes off mine which sent a shiver down my spine.

"Was it the plan?" I asked, getting excited.

"Well, I was thinking that Anti and I should spend a loving night with you before we hand you over to our hosts," Dark smiled.

"Is that what you thought?" I asked.

"Or maybe all of the attention this late was meant to wear you out," He smirked.

"That's so cruel," I said, even though I was starting to get a bit sleepy.

"Don't worry, Kitten. They'll be plenty of time for lovemaking later. We have forever," He told me, petting my hair. I felt like I could curl up in him and never leave his safe embrace. But Luna wanted more.

"Well, your plan of making me feel so loved that I'm tired worked. Now one of you needs to carry me to bed and you both need to hold me. Please?"

"Come on Kitten. Let's get you to bed," Dark chuckled, carrying me upstairs, to bed. He laid me in the middle while Anti got my pajamas and changed me. Once that was done, both of them stripped down to their boxers and cuddled me, under the warm blankets and the warmth of their love and I fell asleep, happy to be in my position.

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