Chapter 28~ Love Is A Spectrum

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Melody's POV

I had noticed something off with Dark and Anti, and it had been going on all day. It was like they were nervous or something. They kept stealing glances at me when they thought I wasn't looking or doing things for me to be extra sweet. I played it off like they were just high on emotions but something deep inside me felt there was something else going on.

"Are you two sure you're ok?" I asked for the millionth time.

"Baby, we are fine. I don't know why you keep asking that," Anti said.

"Something seems off today. I don't like it," I pouted, hoping that would get me some answers.

"Amica mea, nothing is off. I think you're looking for drama because our lives have been so routine as of late," Dark said.

"If nothing's wrong than can we get out of the house? I'm bored," I whined, feeling particularly antsy.

"Come on, let's go for a walk through the woods," Anti said and the three of us were off. Anti and Dark told jokes and stories, trying to keep me entertained. In all honesty, I just wanted to do something a little different with them and the walk alone was enough. Not that I told them that. Eventually, we made it deep enough into the woods that we were back at the waterfall where Dark and I had our first date and where we separated both Demons from their Hosts.

"Shall we swim?" I asked.

"Why not?" Anti asked and we stripped down to our underwear before jumping off the rocky cliff into the water below. We burst into giggles when we surfaced, laughing at how dumb we looked. I grinned; an idea forming in my head.

"Melody, what are you thinking?" Dark asked before I splashed him with the water.

"Oh it's on," He grinned before aiming for me and getting Anti instead. It didn't take long before it was an all-out water war and it was every (wo)man for his or herself. I gained the upper hand by using a bit of magic to make the waves I created bigger which caused Anti and Dark to gang up on me. Eventually, we got too tired, so we dragged our sorry asses out of the water and flopped on the grass.

"I didn't realize I was so tired," I panted, looking up at the sky.

"I didn't either," Anti agreed and Dark took my hand in his. We stayed like that for a while; silent and looking at the clouds through the treetops.

"It's so beautiful," I said after a long while.

"Yeah, you are," Dark replied and I blushed.

"I am not. I mean, I'm not bad looking, but I'm not beautiful either, I argued.

"Maybe you don't see yourself that way, but Dark and I do," Anti told me and I blushed even harder, having a difficult time believing that these two gorgeous Demons thought that I was beautiful and they weren't taking a no for an answer.

"Do you really think I'm beautiful?" I asked, not looking at either of them.

"The most beautiful girl ever to exist," Dark confirmed.

"You are too sweet," I said, squeezing his hand a bit.

"And you're too good for us," Anti countered.

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are. You're royalty and we are literally Hellspawn. You are too good for us," Dark said and I shook my head.

"Your origin and your race don't matter to me. I love you for you. Both of you and nothing is going to change that. Now, stop the self-deprecating," I huffed.

"Yes ma'am," Anit said saluting me.

"You're an asshole," I laughed.

"Yes, ma'am," He agreed, grinning.

"You know we will always love you, right Melody?" Dark asked me.

"Of course I know that. You both know that I feel the same about you right?"

"Yeah. Hey, it's cooling down a bit. Mel, would you mind drying us off?" Dark asked and I complied and the three of us got dressed.

"You know, it was fun doing this with all of us," I said once we were dressed.

"Yeah, it was," Anti agreed and Dark chuckled.

"Well, I'm glad we could do this," I smiled, looking from one Demon to the other.

"I am too, amica mea. It's always a joy to get you wet," Dark winked and Anti laughed.

"Damn right it is!" He agreed, having a hard time calming down.

"Are you going to be ok?" I asked.

"He'll be fine. But there is something we'd like to say to you," Dark said, looking to Anti.

"Melody, these past few months with you have been amazing. You're smart, funny, witty, compassionate, loving, caring and wildly protective. And somehow you manage to be both of our perfect balances," Anti started, his hand in his pocket.

"That said, we can't live without you. You mean everything to us. So, Melody Luna Lupine, will you marry us?" Dark asked and the two of them presented me with two rings that looked like that combined. Dark's ring looks like the outer ring, and it was a classic diamond ring while Anti had the inner ring, a silver band with little diamond squares around the whole band.

"Of course I'll marry you two!" I said before the tears began to fall. They grinned and combined the rings before slipping them onto my finger.

"Is this why you two were acting so weird?" I asked once I got my crying under control.

"Yeah. We were a little nervous," Anti admitted.

"Why? Did you think after everything we've been through that I'd reject you two? I've put far to much work into this relationship to ever reject either of you. I love you; both of you."

"And we love you, Angel. And now everyone will know that you are taken. We just won't mention by how many men," Anti winked and I giggled.

"Can we head home? I'm in the mood for celebrating," I said, biting my lip.

"We can do whatever you want, Melody," Dark answered, before teleporting us home. It's going to be a long night.

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