Chapter 25~ Double Trouble

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Melody's POV

I woke up still sandwiched between my boys. I sighed happily, playing with Anti's hair; content to just be. It didn't take long for Anti to stir and he looked up at me with sleep-filled eyes.

"Melody? What time is it?" He asked.

"Early," I smiled still playing with his hair.

"That's not very helpful, Angel."

"I don't know the time. I just know that I love you. And after tonight, it's just gonna be you, me, and Dark forever and Mark and Sean will be free to live their lives."

"Is that tonight?" Anti asked, grinning, "I thought that was tomorrow."

"Nope, that's tonight. And I'm so excited," I giggled, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"What's got you two so excited?" Dark grumbled, pulling me closer to him.

"Today's the day," I smiled.

"Is it? Wonderful. I can't wait. Until then, what's on the agenda?"

"I don't know. At some point, we need to head back to L.A. so we can get the potion. But we have some time to kill beforehand," I answered, not ready to leave the warm confines of my bed nor the warmth of being sandwiched between my Demons.

"Well then, I suppose we should take you out. It is Valentine's day after all," Dark said.

"Do we have to do that now or can we just enjoy our current position?" Anti asked, nuzzling further into my chest.

"We can stay here for a little while, but eventually I am going to need to eat something. And possibly go to the bathroom," I said, holding onto Anti.

"Fair enough. Until then, I don't plan on letting you go," Dark purred, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I laughed, loving the idea.

Eventually, we made it out of bed. We spent the whole day together, just enjoying our time together until it was time to head back to L.A.

Time skip to 11 at night

Melody's POV

About an hour ago, Dark, Anti, Adrian, Harmony and I had made our way to A Taste of Home and collected the potion and had made our way to the waterfall where Dark and I had had our first date.

"It's so pretty here," Harmony said as we put down everything we needed.

"Yeah, it is. And it'll be good for the spell if we're near multiple elements. We have the grass for Earth, the waterfall for water, and a nice breeze for air. Not to mention the lit candles for fire and the absurd amount of spiritual energy it takes to host a demon, let alone two. We are in a prime location for this," Adrian grinned and my sisters and I set up the pentagram with a colored candle at each point. A purple one at the very top, and going clockwise it was yellow, red, green, and then blue. A candle for each element, burning and beginning to channel all the energy around us. The pentagram began to light up with ancient runes as it charged, giving us plenty of time to pour the potion into a silver chalice. As it turned midnight and after having Dark and Anti stand in the center my sisters and I formed a triangle and each stood at a point of the pentagram. I was at the point with the purple candle, Harmony was at the green and Adrian, despite not being a Fire Witch, was at the red.

The three of us began to chant, "Fire let the passions burn bright,

Singi tis doqu sutcefda equtibeloda aralc,

Air let renewal take flight,

Ileac tis eari erepicca aguf,

Earth let the healing begin,

Arret tis doqu metatinas erepicni,

Water let the strength to split win,

Aqua tis doqu subiriv tu odnics rorcul,

Spirit let these twin souls invert,

Sutirips tis ceah eanimeg muramina otrevni,

Separate the Demon from the Host and let no one be hurt,

Mutarapes doqu Muinomead xe doqu Muticrexe te tis lihin sunu doqu erecon!" I looked to the Demons and they nodded once before drinking from the chalice. Immidactly, they began to react. They collapsed to the ground, seizing, twitching and contorting. They screamed in agony and tears made their way into my eyes but I knew if I left the circle, all four of them would die. So I stood my ground and looked at Harmony and Adrian who did the same. Once the moon was no longer at the dead center of the sky, there was an explosion of white and black mist. It knocked me away from the circle and I landed a few feet away. Once the mist cleared, there lay for men on the ground in the center of the pentagram.

"Jesus that hurts," Jack groaned.

"No kidding," Mark agreed, groaning.

"Did it work?" Anti asked, sitting up.

"I believe it did," Dark answered, wiping his eyes. I grinned, so happy to see the four of them at once. I ran to Anti, holding him as tight as I could, remembering that he was still sore. I let go and leaned over to Dark, kissing him.

"All of you need to take the next couple of days and rest up. It's a miracle you're sitting up, considering you're all nearly dead," Adrian said, helping Harmony up.

"Duly noted. Thank you. All of you," Mark said, slowly standing up.

"Want some help?" I asked, watching him struggle.

"No, but I would enjoy a hug," He told me and I laughed.

"Sure thing," I chuckled, hugging him gently.

"I'm feeling left out," Jack pouted when I let go of Mark.

"So impatient," I sighed, hugging him too.

"We'll get you two home safely and we'll make sure you heal properly," Harmony said, opening an Earth portal. She took Mark's hand and Adrian took Jack's and the four of them disappeared into the blue portal.

"I hate how affectionate you are with them," Anti said once it was just the four of us.

"I'm not sure why you hugged either of them," Dark added and I smirked.

"Are the two of you... jealous?"

"What? No," Anti said, totally bluffing and blushing.

"Jealous? Of them? Of course not," Dark added, a small blush gracing his cheeks.

"I don't believe you. Either of you. Now, how about we get you two home and in bed. We have eternity to do as we please," I smiled at them.

"Holding you and going to bed sounds perfect right now," Dark said.

"Can't think of anything better to do," Anti agreed and we made our way back home and to bed, falling asleep in the same position we had woken up in; Dark spooning with me and Anti's head on my chest. And it couldn't have been more perfect any other way.

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