Chapter 19~ So Confused

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Mark's POV

I woke up with a killer headache. I squinted my eyes, confused about where I was. I looked around and found that I was in a bed with Jack and a very pretty redheaded woman. Did we... have a threesome..? Who is she? I didn't dare move. Maybe she'd know what was happening. A few agonizingly slow minutes later, Jack woke up.

"Mark? Where are we?" He asked, confused.

"I have no idea. I'm hoping she knows," I pointed to the redhead.

"Did we..?"

"I wish I could remember."

"Well shit."


I little while later the woman between us began to stir. She groaned, blinking repeatedly.

"Hey," She smiled at me.

"Hey..." I answered, not know what to do next.

"You're Mark, aren't you? Which means you must be Sean, but you go by Jack."

"Yeah... where are we and who are you?" I asked.

"Well, you're in my bed and I'm Melody Lupine. Dark and Anti's girlfriend."

"You're dating both of them?" Jack asked and she nodded.

"Yup. Now, how 'bout we talk over food? I'm sure there are huge blank spots in your memories, and I am a hungry bitch."

"That sounds good," Jack said, smiling a little. As weird as the circumstances around meeting her, Melody seemed nice enough. Although she was dating both Dark and Anti which told me a few other things about her. Namely that she could have a few mental problems and she could be dangerous.

"Make yourselves at home," She said, smiling as she grabbed a few things from the fridge. Jack and I sat at the table and I asked the big question.

"How long have Dark and Anti been in control?"

"Since Halloween, I'd presume. Neither of you has had control since then. It didn't occur to me that you'd probably want your body's back at least some of the time and for that I'm sorry." She did seem genuinely apologetic, but I wasn't ready to trust her just yet.

"Wait, and what day is it?" Jack asked.

"January 23. Why?"

"They've had control for months? What about YouTube channels?" I panicked.

"Hey, relax. Dark and Anti said they've been posing as you too. Apparently, nobody knows it wasn't you two."

"Well, what do we do now?" Jack asked.

"My goal is that if this goes well, then Dark and Anti will relinquish control for three or four days a week and eventually only take control on the weekends. And in the meantime, I'll look for a way to separate you all. I know it isn't fair that you can't live your lives because your Demons fell in love."

"Separate us? How?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not... Human... I'm half werewolf and half witch. I should have a book on separating Demons from their Hosts without damaging anyone in the process but I've never had to do it before so I'd have to look."

"Prove you're supernatural," I challenged and Melody shrugged, shifting her body into that of a huge white wolf. Jack and I gasped and she shifted back. She sat at the table and muttered so weird words and breakfast seemed to make itself.

"I don't want to hurt either of you more than I already have. And you have to believe that as soon as it occurred to me that you two were being repressed I asked to meet you. Neither of them was happy about it, by the way, they seemed to think you'd poison me against them."

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