Chapter 12~ Freedom

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Melody's POV

I woke up the next morning before Anti did, still in my sex dungeon. Images of what had happened last night flashes in my head and I looked down at the sleeping demon. My heart hurt as I remembered how heartbroken Anti looked when he realized what he'd done to me. I placed a kiss on his forehead before making my way upstairs for a shower. I turned on the water and stepped in, letting the water undo the knots in my back. I cleaned myself, ignoring the pain. Eventually, I ran out of things to do in the shower, so I got out and dried myself off and made it to my closet, throwing on a gray tee shirt, a zip-up black hoodie and a pair of leggings. I would have to dress comfy for the next day or so, in order to heal properly. I continued getting ready for my day, feeding my cats, starting a load of laundry, and finally eating some food. I had just finished putting my dishes away when Anti wandered out of the basement.

"Mornin'," I said, my voice soft. After how much he had cried last night, I knew his head probably hurt.

"Mornin'," He said looking at me. As soon as he saw me and the marks that weren't hidden by clothing, his eyes looked so sad and I knew he was remembering what had happened.

"Hey, com'ere," I said, hugging him tightly. He reciprocated and sighed.

"You're up pretty early," He said, stepping away from me.

"Well, I have some Wiccans to free, and possibly heal, I have a Cerxian to give powers back to and I have a traitorous Cerxian to hand over to the Cerxian royal family. I don't got time to stay in bed," I said, sassily. He smiled softly, relieved that the beating from last night hadn't left an emotional scar like some of the other marks probably would.

"Well, then I guess you should get to it," He told me.

"You aren't going to help?" I asked, a bit disappointed.

"I didn't think you'd want me to. Not after..." He gestured to my arms.

"I told you, that was an accident. I still want to be around you, Anti. That hasn't changed."

"Then I'm happy to help in any way I can," He said, perking up.

"Excellent. Would you mind grabbing Emory? I want to give him up first before releasing the Wiccans. That way, if he escapes then he'll lead us straight to them. And if he doesn't escape then we don't have to worry about him going after the Wiccans again."

"Sure. I'll go get him," Anti said before glitching away. He came back, Emory in tow.

"Leave me alone, you damn Lucifer wannabe!" Emory yelled and I slapped him. Hard. A red imprint of my hand now existed on Emory's cheek and I glowered at him.

"You ever say something like that again and I'll make you wish you had never been conceived," I growled, my fangs showing and my eyes glowing. He whimpered and looked at the ground. "Now then, let's be off," I said, creating a portal straight to Cerxia. The three of us stepped through the portal and landed just outside of the palace.

"Princess Melody? What are you doing here? And who are they?" A guard asked.

"Hey, Travis. This is Anti, a friend of mine. And this asshat is Emory Connolly, the man responsible for the disappearance of Princess Claire. I suspect the King and Queen would love to have him questioned or tortured or otherwise punished. I know where the Princess is being held, and that is my next mission. But I thought I'd leave this gift with you," I said, handing over Emory.

"This is much appreciated, Melody. Cerxia will not forget this."

"Just make sure he's punished heavily, ok?" I said, leaving through the portal, taking Anti with me and closing it behind me.

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