Chapter 14~ Do It Right (XXX)

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Dark's POV

Melody woke up several hours later with only the cut on her breast and Anti's name in her arm. The rest of her wounds had healed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her, my voice soft. She blinked a few times before laying her head on my chest.

"Better. Hey, where's Anti?" She asked, realizing it was just us in her bed.

"In the basement, locked to the wall. He's staying there until you are 100%," I answered her, rubbing her sides gently.

"Are you going to do anything else to him other than putting him in grownup timeout?"

"Not unless you want me too. Now let's get you some food."

"Ravioli sounds good. Oooh and Pizza Rolls. Don't ask why," She said, sitting up and slowly crawling out of bed.

"Ravioli and Pizza Rolls it is then. Anything you want you shall have, Love."

"You're so sweet. Thank you," She smiled.

"Of course." I picked her up bridal style and brought her to her kitchen before sitting her at the table and getting her food. She finished quickly but she assured me that she had a tendency to eat fast.

"You've bathed me, oiled me up, put me down for a nap, and now you've fed me. What's next?" She asked, a playful look on her face.

"This..." I said, kissing her gently.

"I like where this is going," She whispered against my lips once we broke apart.

"Take your shirt off," I whispered back, my hands already at the hem.

"Kinky," She winked, laughing.

"I need to check your cut, Love. Please?"

"Alright, alright. Here," She said, pulling her shirt off. I watched as the last of her cut healed before my eyes.

"It seems I was right. Food and sleep did help the healing process. How do you feel?"

"Normal. Does that mean you'll let Anti out of his confines?" She asked, putting the shirt back on, much to my disappointment.

"We can go do that right now," I said, taking her hand and taking her to the basement. We found Anti hanging away from the wall as if he couldn't lean against it anymore. At hearing the door open, he looked up and his dull eyes became full of life at seeing Melody.

"Melody, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well, it is my house. I live here." Yup, she's back to normal.

"You got lucky. She's healed, and you don't have to be locked up anymore," I said, uncuffing him.

"It's been how long?" He asked, rubbing his wrists.

"Only a few hours. It's about 9 o'clock now."

"I slept for how long?!" Melody asked, shocked.

"About 9 hours and 15 minutes. You partially woke up several times but I urged you to go back to sleep. You didn't argue," I told her.

"Damn... I guess I'm not sleeping tonight."

"That was the plan, yes."

"What are you gonna do, fuck me in front of him?" She asked hands on her hips.

"No. I'm going to show him how to Dom safely. And then we're going to fuck you together." Her eyes widened and her jaw went slack for a second before she regained composure.

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