Chapter 27~ Lucifer Have Mercy

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Dark's POV

"She's so beautiful when she sleeps," I whispered, looking at Melody who still had yet to wake up.

"She's always beautiful," Anti countered and I couldn't argue. She did always look beautiful.

"We need to go," I said, tearing my eyes from Melody.

"Yeah, before she wakes up. Well, lead the way," Anti agreed and we headed to the living room where I made a portal to Hell. I had forgotten how bad it stunk down here, my nose crinkling in disgust. I shook my head and started walking to the giant palace, Anti trailing behind me.

"I'm starting to doubt he'll let us do this," Anti said.

"I know, but we have to ask. We don't have a choice," I said just before we reached the gates.

"Halt. State your name, status, and reason for being here," A guard said and I rolled my eyes.

"Darkiplier, Shadow Demon. I need to speak to his majesty."

"And him?" The guard pointed to Anti.

"Antisepticeye, Glitch Demon. I also need to talk with King Lucifer."

"Very well. Hail Satan!" He saluted as he let us pass.

"Hail Satan," We repeated before being let into the palace. We made our way to the throne room and stood before the Devil.

"Darkiplier and Antisepticeye. Where the Hell have the two of you been?" Lucifer asked.

"We found a reason to stay on Earth," I answered and he seemed intrigued.

"Oh? What could possibly tie you to the planet?"

"Melody Lupine," Anti answered.

"Melody Lupine, huh? The both of you? She's only one woman, albeit a very powerful woman. And neither of you like sharing..."

"We have been sharing since last Halloween. And we hope you'll remember than when we make our request," I said.

"Ask it then. What request?"

"We are aware that Demons are forbidden to marry without the consent of you, your Majesty, so we humbly ask permission to marry the same woman. We ask to marry Melody Lupine," I answered, growing more nervous by the second.

"Both of you want to marry the Crown Princess of Transmonia? That's quite a feat indeed. But I'd be willing to grant you both permission, should you give me reason to grant it to the both of you," He grinned, thinking there was no way we could both have her.

"We both bear the inverse of her Mark, something that can't be faked," Anti said as he revealed the twin Marks on our arms. Lucifer stumbled over his words, clearly expecting us to fight for Melody's hand.

"Very well. I hereby give both Darkiplier and Antisepticeye permission to marry Princess Melody Lupine of Transmonia. Dismissed."

"Thank you, you're highness," I said as we made our exit, next heading to the Transmonian palace so we could officially ask for Melody's hand in marriage from her father.

Anti's POV

"Where do I know you two from?" A blonde medium-built young man asked when he saw us.

"Probably from Melody's birthday party. We're with her," I answered.

"You're Anti and Dark. God, I'm a dumbass. I'm Leo, a longtime friend of Melody's and technically her guard. So, why are you here?"

"We need to speak with her parents," Dark told him and he nodded.

"I can get the King and Queen for you. Always happy to help out," He smiled at us.

"Thanks. I'm just wondering though; what are you?" I asked.

"Full-blooded Werewolf. Don't worry, I don't care that you're Demons as long as you keep Mel happy and safe. And you seem to be doing that." He led us through the halls until we were alone with Melody's parents.

"How can we help the two of you?" Tracy asked.

"Well, you should know that the both of us love Melody with everything we are, and we always put her safety first," Dark started.

"We wanted to ask both of you to give Melody's hand in marriage to both of us," I finished. Sam looked shocked, but Tracy smiled.

"Of course you have our blessing; you are her Mates. Now, go get my girl a ring," Tracy winked.

"Thank you, ma'am," Dark smiled and I sighed in relief.

"Call me mom. You two will be part of the family soon enough, anyway."

"Where is Melody, anyway?" Sam asked.

"When we left, she was sleeping," I answered.

"She's probably still konked out," Tracy snickered.

"Most likely. We'll take our leave, we have rings to buy," Dark smiled.

"We'll see you soon," Tracy said and Dark opened a portal back to Earth. We found ourselves in a jewelry store, looking at ring after ring until we found the perfect ring. It was really two rings but one slid into the other to make one ring. It was a traditional diamond ring and the other ring that slid into the first had square diamonds all around the band. It was beautiful and simplistic and perfect for us.

After purchasing the rings we headed back home, to find Melody still half asleep.

"Are you still not awake, Angel?" I asked, crawling into bed with her.

"It's hard waking up," She whined rolling over so that she was in my arms.

"I know baby, but we have to get up eventually," I reasoned, kissing her forehead.

"Dark, Anti's making me wake up," She whined and Dark chuckled, crawling back into bed.

"He's right, amica mea. You really need to wake up.

"But I don't want to. And I don't think I can. My whole body feels like stone and it's so heavy."

"You seem pretty squishy to me," I said.

"My whole body feels heavy to me, Anti. Like, it's taking to much energy to move my head enough to look at you."

"Maybe we can stay in bed for a little while longer while your body comes back online so to speak," Dark said, rubbing her back.

"You mean it?" Melody asked, sleep still evident in her voice.

"I mean it. Relax, we can try waking up in a few minutes, ok?" He answered.

"Let go. We got you. We love you," I whispered in her ear as she fell back asleep. And honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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